Bridging the Learning Gap with Digital Resources for AP English Courses Sharon Johnston, Ed.D. Senior Associate AP Programs Florida Virtual School
Essential Questions How can online resources help students improve writing skills? How can digital resources help us differentiate instruction. How can digital resources help us bridge learning gaps?
Teaching Writing Focus: Instructional resources Digital resources Best Practices Discussion (To be continued in Wiki) (To be continued in Wiki)
Critical Instructional Resources Diagnostics Rubrics Good Writing Models Writing Assignments Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Student (self) assessment/Reflections Others? How well do your courses utilize each of these resources?
Digital Resources SAS Curriculum Pathways Online Writing Lab Grammar
SAS Writing Reviser Writing Instruction: Diagnostic Self Assessment (Formative) Guidelines
SAS Writing Instruction Lesson on Argrumentation Go to Enter the username In the Quick Launch box, enter: 918
SAS Writing Reviser in Action Directions: Got to Enter username: In the Quick Launch box, enter: 1242 Submit the essay required in this assignment to the SAS Writing Reviser. Paste your essay into the Writing Reviser, or write directly in the open window. (make sure you save a copy of your work for yourself!).
Using the Online Writing Lab
Using Grammar Sites Grammar Bytes Guide to Grammar and Writing:
Literary resource
Agree or Disagree Best practice: We should give students frequent opportunities to write and to receive critical feedback and evaluation on written assignments.
Best Practices Let students teach one another Model methods that you want students to use to diagnose and respond in peer reviews Post several models for each writing assignment
Today’s Classroom “Ours is a world of 24 hour news cycles, global markets, and instant messaging. Our education system [our classrooms] should reflect the times we’re living in.“ Rod Paige, former U.S. Secretary of Education
Invitation to AP English Wiki I invite you to participate in a Wiki designed for you and me. Let’s share our digital resources and expand what we do to prepare our students to be prepared for college-level work. I invite you to participate in a Wiki designed for you and me. Let’s share our digital resources and expand what we do to prepare our students to be prepared for college-level work. New Wiki:APEngTeachers09