What is subordination? Like coordination, subordination joins two closely related sentences. However, with subordination, you put a dependent word (such as after, although, or because) in front of one of the sentences. These words are known as subordinating conjunctions. Like coordination, subordination joins two closely related sentences. However, with subordination, you put a dependent word (such as after, although, or because) in front of one of the sentences. These words are known as subordinating conjunctions.RELATED SENTENCES Roy got a higher-paying job. He was able to buy a car. JOINED Because Roy got a higher- paying job, he was able to buy a car.
Common Subordinating Conjunctions afterbeforeunless although even though until asifwhen as if sincewhere because so that while
Although Nat is often annoying he can be very kind.
Although Nat is often annoying, he can be very kind.
Before you go to the party make sure you let them know you’re coming.
Before you go to the party, make sure you let them know you’re coming.
We will have classes tomorrow unless it snows in the morning.
We like Professor Garcia because she presents information clearly.
While you were napping the dogs got into the garbage.
While you were napping, the dogs got into the garbage.
My nephews and nieces are fun to baby sit even though they are awfully noisy.
My nephews and nieces are fun to baby sit, even though they are awfully noisy.
Since we moved to this neighborhood our car has been broken into three times.
Since we moved to this neighborhood, our car has been broken into three times.
When I see a good opportunity I try to take advantage of it.
When I see a good opportunity, I try to take advantage of it.