What Should Adorn Next Year’s Math Contest T-shirt? By Kevin Ferland
Last Year’s T-shirt total area = area of inner square + area of 4 triangles b a a b a b ab c c c c
Proof Pythagoras B.C.E. The t-shirt proof is believed to be the type used by the Pythagoreans.
Pythagorean Theorem Given a right triangle we have b c a
James Garfield 1876 total area = area of inner half-square + area of 2 triangles b a b a c c
Euclid B.C.E. (modernized) proof from Elements I II I ← c → ab xc-x
The result was known by Babylonian mathematicians circa 1800 B.C.E.
The oldest known proof is found in a Chinese text circa 600 B.C.E.
January 2010
Last Year’s T-shirt total area = area of inner square + area of 4 triangles b a a b a b ab c c c c
Generalizing the t-shirt total area = area of inner hexagon + area of 6 triangles ba b a b a ba b a b a c c c c c c 120°
FACT : The area of a regular hexagon with side length s is FACT : The area of a 120°-triangle with (short) sides a and b is
Result Given a 120°-triangle we have 120° a b c
b a ba b c c a c
Clearly, this argument extends to any regular 2k-gon for k ≥ 2. DON’T STOP
Result (n = 2k) Given a θ-triangle we have θ a b c
θnEquation c 2 = 90°4 120°6 135°8 144°10 150°12 ׃׃׃
FACT : The area of a regular n-gon with side length s is s s s s s s s s θ/2 θ θ θ
h s/2
FACT : The area of a θ-triangle with (short) sides a and b is θ a b c h
Trig Identity : Proof
Generalized Pythagorean Theorem total n-gon area = area of inner n-gon + area of n θ-triangles b a ba b c c a c
Result Given a θ-triangle we have θ a b c The LAW OF COSINES in these cases.
Pythagorean Triples A triple (a, b, c) of positive integers such that a 2 + b 2 = c 2 is called a Pythagorean triple. It is called primitive if a, b, and c are relatively prime.
E.g. Whereas, (6, 8, 10) is a Pythagorean triple that is not primitive
Theorem : All primitive solutions to a 2 + b 2 = c 2 (satisfying a even and b consequently odd) are given by where
stabc ׃׃׃׃׃
E.g. n = 6, θ = 120° What is the characterization of all such primitive triples? 120° 5 3 7
Other 120°-triples (7, 8, 13), (5, 16, 19), … There does exist a characterization of these. What can you find?
Next Year’s t-shirt ba b a b a ba b a b a c c c c c c 120°