MNA Mosby’s Long Term Care Assistant Chapter 17 Safe Resident Handling Moving and Transfers
Lifting & Moving Residents in Bed Friction – rubbing of one surface against another Shearing – skin sticks to a surface but muscles continue to move Reduce by rolling or lifting the resident Use a draw (lift) sheet
Level of Dependence Total Extensive Limited Procedure done by staff. Resident cannot help Resident can bear some weight. May be able to pivot Resident can bear weight. Can sit up with assistance. Has upper body strength
Level of Dependence Supervision Independent Staff encourages or cues resident. Can walk without help. Sometimes May need may need limited assistance
Raising Head and Shoulders Moving up in bed Moving up in bed with lift sheet Skills Moving to SOB and Turning
Turning Turn q2h Logrolling turning as a unit Keep the spine straight At least TWO staff members needed
Skills Dangle Transfer to W/C Bed as low as possible Gait belt Lock wheels on w/c Stand Turn Sit
Skills Mechanical Lift Requires at least 2 people Wide base of support Appropriate size sling
Review A person’s skin rubs against the sheet. This is called ________________ friction
Review The lift sheet is placed so that it is _________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________ Beneath the resident. From below the shoulder to above the knee
Review Log rolling is used after ___________________________ Spinal cord injuries or surgery
Review Before turning a patient unto their side, move them to the SOB True or False
Review A transfer belt is applied over clothing. True or False
Review Friction and shearing can lead to A. Pressure ulcers B.infection C.discomfort D.All of the above
Review Always get the resident OOB on A. Their strong side B.Their weak side C.Your right side D.The side you prefer
Review Complete bed rest CBR BR Bed rest SRSide rails HOB Elevate head of bed PRNAs needed