Every Deaf Child Matters 2012 All Change – Creating Opportunities to Better Support Deaf Children 26 June 2012 Somerset County Cricket Club, Taunton.


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Presentation transcript:

Every Deaf Child Matters 2012 All Change – Creating Opportunities to Better Support Deaf Children 26 June 2012 Somerset County Cricket Club, Taunton

Twitter: #EDCM – Arrival and registration – 10.15Welcome & Scene Setting from the Chair – 10.40Parents’ Perspective – 10.55All change in health services for Deaf children? A South West view – 11.35How might the SEN Green Paper reforms impact on Deaf children in the South West - what are the issues? – 11.50Break – 12.10Group discussion: Questions to ask the panel – 13.10New structures and ‘markets’ in education, health and social care services & the challenge of improving support for Deaf children – Q&A with a Chaired Panel – 14.00Lunch – 15.00WORKSHOPS: 1.The SEN Green Paper – the implications for Deaf children in the SW 2.New and emerging structures and ‘markets’ in education services in the SW – how might these affect support for Deaf children? 3.New and emerging structures and ‘markets’ in health and social care services in the SW – how might these affect support for Deaf children? – 15.15Break – 15.30Feedback from workshops – 15.50Table exercise: Identifying success and opportunities for action to better support Deaf children – 16.15Plenary: Identifying key issues and challenges going forward – 16.30Closing remarks from the Chair 16.30Close

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Parents’ Perspective Alison Comer Ramon Woolfe Vanessa Pestridge

Twitter: #EDCM2012 SW Pathfinders Devon Martin Quaintance Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Mike Ellis & Kay Henry Wiltshire Susan Tanner

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Exhibitors Avon & Somerset Police Babcock LDP CROSS (Children's Rating of Speech Sounds) Cued Speech Association Early Support Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education National Deaf Children’s Society ND CAMHS Plymouth Deaf Children's Society Sign Video Signworld Somerset Hearing Support Team The Family Centre (Deaf Children)

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Tables to discuss the topic and come up with 3 questions to ask the panel. Please write down each question on a separate sheet and pass them to the facilitators around the room. New structures and ‘markets’ in education, health and social care services and the challenges of improving support for Deaf children

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Brian Lamb OBE SEN Consultant Susan Tanner Wiltshire SEN Pathfinder Lead Jonathan Parsons Managing Director, Chime Social Enterprise Jonathan Farnhill Chief Executive, Exeter Deaf Academy Ramon Woolfe Parent of Deaf children Catherine Phillips Project Manager, Children’s Health Commissioning, NHS Bath & NE Somerset Martin Quaintance Devon Pathfinder The Panel

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Workshops (2pm) 1. The SEN Green Paper – implications and opportunities for Deaf children in the South West (The Long Room) 2. New and emerging structures and ‘markets’ in education services in the South West – implications and opportunities for Deaf children in the South West (The Quantock Suite) 3. New and emerging structures and ‘markets’ in health and social care services in the South West – implications and opportunities for Deaf children in the South West (The County Room)

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Exhibitors Avon & Somerset Police Babcock LDP CROSS (Children's Rating of Speech Sounds) Cued Speech Association Early Support Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education National Deaf Children’s Society ND CAMHS Plymouth Deaf Children's Society Sign Video Signworld Somerset Hearing Support Team The Family Centre (Deaf Children)

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Feedback from Workshops

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Better Support for Deaf Children: A Solutions Focused Approach Examples of what works well and why? What workable steps can we take in both practice and policy?

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Brian Lamb OBE SEN Consultant Susan Tanner Wiltshire SEN Pathfinder Lead Jonathan Parsons Managing Director, Chime Social Enterprise Jonathan Farnhill Chief Executive, Exeter Deaf Academy Ramon Woolfe Parent of Deaf children Catherine Phillips Project Manager, Children’s Health Commissioning, NHS Bath & NE Somerset Mike Ellis Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Pathfinder The Panel

Twitter: #EDCM2012 Reflections, Learning, Challenges and Opportunities

Thank You for your participation We really value your feedback. Please complete the evaluation form in your delegate pack and leave it on your table. Keep in touch and continue the debate #EDCM2012 Have a safe journey home.