1 Delft University of Technology Opening up our Content Educational Repository Network, Sept 17 th 2009 Willem van Valkenburg E-learning consultant, ICT Department Blog: Twitter: twitter.com/wfvanvalkenburg
|2 Agenda Delft University of Technology Opening Up our Research Opening Up our Education
|98-07/ A few words about TU Delft
|4 TU Delft - Characteristics Excellent (international) ratings Driven by demands of society Focussed multi-disciplinary research themes High quality educational programes, with a focus on ICT in education
|5 TU Delft: Basic Data 2009 Faculties: 8 Bachelor programmes: 14 Master programmes: 41 Total number of students: 16,000 International students: 3,000 Scientific staff: 2,600 Number of PhD-theses per year: 250 Focal Multi-disciplinary Research Programs: Energy, Health, Infrastructures, Environment. TU Delft
|6 Core tasks of the university is to deliver know-how and building knowledge networks in an international context.
|7 Research Repository TU Delft Repository (start 2005) 12,600 full text publications Dissertations (3,850) Lectures (1,100) Articles (4,200) Student theses (1,100) Reports (1,850) Patents (250)
|8 Advantages Repository TU Delft Improve access to academic work. Raises the profile of academic work. Act of international solidarity. Counterweight against publishers. Guarantees the durability of data files. Reinforce university’s image as a centre of knowledge.
|9 Advantages Repository Scientists Priority claim Visibility output (full text in e.g. Google) Accessible worldwide Sustainable e-archive Increase citations/downloads
|10 Access to TU Delft Research DARE.net Royal Library (KB) OAISTER (Open Access Repositories) Google/ Google Scholar
|11 Opening Up our Education Share our courses via OpenCourseWare Share our course content via OAI-PMH Share our multimedia via our multimedia portal
|12 Delft OpeCourseWare: Why start? University: Reputation Open academic community: open knowlege organisation in world- wide networks. Inevitable trend Bundling of faculty initiatives: bringing it all together. Specialism: Exposure: Show what you can do, international reputation, being part of international knowledge networks Serve the group of Life Long Learners Attract new masters students: show what we have Positive impact on recruiting PhD’s The help with the combined educational programs Positive impact on the quality of educational resources Reputation of the teaching staff
|16 oerrecommender.org Architecture Hive OCWBlackboard Lorenet.nl OAI- PMH OCWFinder.org RSS CourseBase RSS ? ? OAI- PMH
|17 OCW Consortium 100 live sites with ~9,000 courses
|18 Thank You for Your Time OCW.TUDelft.nl Repository.TUDelft.nl