7 th National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations Maryland Statewide Community Outreach Program Maryland Statewide Community Outreach Program Presented by Arlee Wallace Gist, Deputy Director Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene October 19, 2010
Why Outreach needed…. Historically low vaccination rates Follow-up dosage needed Confusion of targeted populations Availability of vaccine Vaccine shortage Myths about vaccine safety Younger/healthier populations at greater risk Chronic disease high risk
Consulted With & Funded Minority Consultant Firm Developed a H1N1 (Swine) Flu Toolkit Conducted 6 regional training sessions Provided technical assistance on H1N1materials Awarded Funds to: 11Minority Outreach and Technical Assistance (MOTA) Grantees from Statewide Network 3 Minority Serving Organizations (MOTA- Sub Grantees) 12 Local Health Departments Selected and Funded Three Focus Group Experts Conducted 26 ethnic/racial focus group sessions H1N1Summary Reports
Hired 38 Community Outreach Workers Conducted 2,867 one-on-one and group presentations Assisted with 10,201 vaccination at H1N1Clinics Reached 186,680 ethnic/racial persons Distributed 329,419 H1N1 pamphlets, brochures, poster throughout 26 jurisdictions Assisted with translations and interpretation Provided information in Farsi, Urdu, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Burmese
Short time to implement program - Grantees had limited time to submit applications - Training and orientation insufficient to adequately prepare Outreach Workers - Delay in receiving vaccines Public uncertainty about safety of vaccine
Knowledge of grants managements History representing Minority communities Trusted by Minority communities Outreach Workers were residents from the targeted communities Established relationships with community groups Working relationship with local health departments Existing infrastructure
Some Health providers did not recommend H1N1vaccine to patients Immunization or vaccine are not viewed as an important health issue Media over played H1N1 as pandemic Participants believe H1N1 is not as prevalent in summer than fall and winter Inadequate information on clinical trails participants The incentive not sufficient to attract participants
Received 374 applications of which 2 were ineligible because they were not Maryland residents 137 ethnic and racial persons participated Conducted 26 Focus groups between June 30, 2010 and July 30, 2010 Focus Group Breakdown: Native American - 3 Hispanic - 4 Caucasian - 8 Asian American - 3 African American - 8 Maryland Regions were: Central - 16, Eastern - 6, Southern -1 and Western - 3 H1N1 Focus Group Process….
Maryland DHMH H1N1 (Swine) Flu The Maryland H1N1 (Swine) Flu Information Line Dial -211 Regular DHMH updates posted daily on Facebook at and on Twitter Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control -
Arlee Wallace Gist, Deputy Director Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 201 W. Preston Street, Room 500 Baltimore, Maryland Office Fax Website