Grade 4 ELA Curriculum o Reading o Writing o Language: Spelling & Conventions o Speaking & Listening An introduction to Common Core Homework
Themed Units: o Meeting Challenges, Doing the Right Thing, Inventors & Artists, Adapting, Adventurers, & The Unexpected Literary circles Independent reading: 30 minutes a day
Purpose o To build English literacy skills o To help students develop a positive attitude towards reading o To help students become better thinkers and writers
Journal Writing Sentence structure Paragraph formation Compositions that use the 5 steps to writing Research Reports
Leveled spelling Spelling bee Grammar that covers the parts of speech, punctuation, and capitalization Vocabulary based upon short stories read
Interviewing Collaborative Group Work Media Literacy Reader’s Theater Story Telling Speeches
Student Resources o Classroom announcements and homework board o Planners and folder o Classroom page Parent Resources o Planners o Classroom page