FMS Language Arts
Communication o Class Website: o /kelsi_herring/site/default.aspx /kelsi_herring/site/default.aspx
Expectations Come with your materials Come ready to learn Come with a positive attitude
What is taught in ELA? Common Core Georgia Performance Standards: o Focusing more on the writing standards, but we will be doing some reading as well Writing Process: o Taught through a variety of writing projects and technology based strategies Grammar & Mechanics: Pronouns are taught in depth. o All other parts of speech are reviewed through the daily warm-up, and in a variety of differentiated hands-on activities and mini- lessons throughout the course of the year **Assignments and due dates are posted on the class webpage. Please check it often as information is added or changed to suit the needs of the students.
ELA Curriculum o Unit 1: Life Lessons The Lightening Thief (We are in need of copies of The Lightening Thief if you have any laying around. Of course you may purchase your child an individual copy which would also help! We will need them by September 28 th ) Collaborative groups Journal writing Daily warm-up Textual evidence *** Inferring o
Daily Routine Write in agenda. HW in the box Warm-up for 10 minutes o Common Core warm-ups Tuesday through Thursday o Journaling Monday and Friday Journal checks periodically All topics posted on website
Example Warm Up Choose the best replacement for the underlined section of the sentence: It is thought that a dog’s sense of smell is generally 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans. a)humans b)a human’s c)humans’ are d)a human has e)humans have
Daily Routine Lesson- Usually whole group instruction then small groups or individual work time o Writing Conferences o Think – Pair- Share o Gallery Walk Homework reminder/Class Wrap up o Room Line o 4 corners o Go Bananas