Recent results in cosmic ray physics and their interpretation Author: Blasi, P. arXiv: 1312.1590 reported by Zhang Xiao
Outline 1. Introduction 2. Status of the SNR paradigm 3. Spectral breaks 4. CR acceleration in partially ionized media and Balmer line emission in SNRs 5. summary
1. Introduction
2. Status of the SNR paradigm particles are accelerated at SNR with spectral index of α E dependent diffusive propagation with observed CRs with spectral index α + δ ~ 2.7 δ = 0.7 ? the test particle theory of particle acceleration: α = 2 anisotropy
2. Status of the SNR paradigm standard DSA efficient predictions of NLDSA: 1. concave-shap spectrum 2. decrease the T of downstream gas 3. CR-induced plasma instabilities
2. Status of the SNR paradigm Escaping When, How ... ...
2. Status of the SNR paradigm ◆ B-field amplification Why ? 1. to explain the thin nonthermal X-ray rims in virtually all young SNRs. 2. let maximum energy close to the knee energy. How ? 1. due to plasma related phenomena if the shock propagates in an inhomogeneous medium. 2. CR-induced magnetic field amplification
2. Status of the SNR paradigm ◆ test of the SNR paradigm: gamma-rays emission I) the SNR-MCs system II) the young individual SNRs example: RX J1713.7-3946 and Tycho
3. Spectral breaks ◆ Observed results PAMELA and CREAM Proton 80GV < Ф < 232 GV α: 2.85 ± 0.015 ± 0.004 Ф > 232 GV α: 2.67 ± 0.03 ± 0.05 Helium 80GV < Ф < 240 GV α: 2.766 ± 0.01±0.027 Ф > 240 GV α: 2.477±0.06±0.03 Adriani, O. et al. 2011, Sci, 332, 69
3. Spectral breaks 1. both spectra have a break at rigidity ~ 230-240 GV 2. the spectrum of He is systematically harder than the p spectrum. ● not confirmed by AMS-02 ! ● supported by the analysis of the gamma ray spectrum of gamma rays from MCs in the Gould belt. confirmed by AMS-02
4. dispersion in the spectral indices 3. Spectral breaks Interpretation: 1. local source Thoudam and Horandel 2012, MNRAS, 421, 1209 Thoudam and Horandel arXiv 1304.1400 2. NLDSA at FS and RS Ptuskin et al, 2013, ApJ, 763, 5 3. propagation effects I) D(E) → D(x, E) Tomassetti, T. 2012, ApJL, 752, L13 II) pre-existing turbulence + self-generated turbulence Blasi, p. et al, 2012, SPhReL, 109, 61 4. dispersion in the spectral indices Yuan et al. 2011, PhReD, 84, 043002
4. CR acceleration in partially ionized media and Balmer line emission in SNRs ◆ Balmer line emission collisionless shock upstream downstream ionized hydrogen with low T + + ionized hydrogen with high T + neutral hydrogen with low T neutral hydrogen with high T T ↑ T→ + exchange e- broad Balmer line narrow Balmer line
4. CR acceleration in partially ionized media and Balmer line emission in SNRs ◆ Balmer line emission collisionless shock upstream downstream ionized hydrogen with low T + + ionized hydrogen with high T + neutral hydrogen with low T neutral hydrogen with high T T ↑ T→ + exchange e- broad Balmer line narrow Balmer line New phenomena under the condition of efficient acceleration 1. decrease the T of the gas downstream 2. A precursor is formed upstream narrow the broad Balmer line broaden the narrow Balmer line
4. CR acceleration in partially ionized media and Balmer line emission in SNRs ◆ Shape of the Balmer line emission
4. CR acceleration in partially ionized media and Balmer line emission in SNRs ◆ Modification caused by neutral gas collisionless shock upstream downstream + neutral return flux ! reduce Mach number intermediate Balmer line
4. CR acceleration in partially ionized media and Balmer line emission in SNRs ◆ Example: SNR 0509-67.5
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