Reading Atto group Hydrogen/Deuterium dissociation Time of flight hardware integration and data acquisition The University of Reading Leszek Frasinski,


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Presentation transcript:

Reading Atto group Hydrogen/Deuterium dissociation Time of flight hardware integration and data acquisition The University of Reading Leszek Frasinski, Marek Stankiewicz, Justin Steele–Davies, Gavin Waters

Experimental setup Time of flight drift tube. MCP position insensitive detectors. Hypodermic needle used to supply gas. Shot for shot intensity measurement! The University of Reading

TOF spectra The University of Reading

Disassociation inhibited H2

Separation dependency High field tunnel ionisation. Outer part of wave function ionised. Strong intensity dependence. H Posthumus et al, 2000 The University of Reading

Dissociation ratios The University of Reading

Hardware MCA-3 made by FAST ComTec Multi channel analyser, Time to digital converter, Pulse height analysis. The University of Reading

Hardware P7887 made by FAST ComTec Time to digital converter. 250fs resolution (no dead time) Multi stop, list mode compatible. The University of Reading

Program Overview The University of Reading LabView Pressure gauges & gas handling system. (RS232) PID controller & Gauge controller Time to digital converter. List or Averaging mode (Internal PCI) Drift Tube MCDwin GUI Multichannel Analyzer. List or Averaging mode (Internal PCI) Photodiode MCDwin GUI National Instruments DAQ Card. (Internal PCI)