Brief introduction of the speaker Sebastian Thrun is the director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab and is working, through robotics, to change the way we understand the world. His research mainly focuses on robotics and artificial intelligence.
Achievement about the author He led the development of the robotic vehicle Stanley which won the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge, and which is exhibited in the Smithsonian which is the biggest museum system in the world.
Vocabulary Navigate v. [ ˈ næv ɪˌɡ et] 1. Travel by boat on a boat propelled by wind or by other means; 2. Act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance; 3. Direct carefully and safely; Toll booths [tol] [b ʊ θ] A booth where a toll is collected. Also called tollhouse. Crooked adj. ['kr ʊ k ɪ d ] 1. Having or marked by bends, curves, or angles. 2. Informal Dishonest or unscrupulous; fraudulent.
What are his key words?
Key words 1. Self-driving 2 、 go anywhere by themselves 3 、 make decisions itself 4 、 Stunts 5 、 Driving accidents 6 、 Save time
Question 1 、 Why did the author want to invent a self-driving car? 2 、 How many miles has the self- driving car invented by the author run?
Conclusion The author came up with a way to solve driving accidents because of one of his friend’s death.So, when we meet some calamity, besides sad, what we should think more is how to face it possitively. If we want, the world can be changed in many ways. And the things that we didn’t think before can happen in any time.
Thank you!