Wedding Games Sometimes, to prevent the guests who attend the wedding will feel boring, there are some wedding games usually held in Taiwan. Group 8 JimmyBiancaHenry
1314 “1314” sounds like “ 一生一世 ” in Chinese. To bless couple love each other forever. Bridegroom has to collect one thousand and three hundred Fourteen dollars from the family or guests in one minute. And the money will be the red envelop for bride.
Paper Scissors Stone Every table has to choose one person to join the game. Everyone who join the game has to prepare $100. To stay in two lines and play Paper Scissors Stone. The loser has to give money to winner And the final winner has to play with bride. If the guest win, he or she can take money as a red envelop.
Compete for the bridal bouquet prepare some ribbon, Tie one of them one Bridal bouquet, Rest of it, tie it on red envelops or nothing For men, they will use broccoli.