Shadayia Bandy English 9 Period # 9
Act # 1 Prologue Scene 1-5 There are two people named Romeo and Juliet. They don’t know each other yet but when they do see each they will fill fall in deep, passionate love. They each belong to a different family who unfortunately do not like each other.
Scene 1 Sampson and Gregory, Capulet, are walking when they run into members of the Montague. Gregory says that he has nothing but disrespect for any member of the Montague and bites his thumb at them. Sampson and Gregory start to fight with Abraham and Balthasar. Benvolio tries to stop the fight, but Tybalt and attacks Benvolio. Benvolio soon discovers that Romeo's problem is that he loves a woman who doesn't return his love. Benvolio tries to get Romeo to say who it is he loves, but Romeo won't.
Scene 2 Paris asks for Juliet's hand in marriage, but Capulet are hesitant because she is so young. He finally agrees to it if he can win her heart. Capulet throws a feast and sends off the guest list off with a servant who is illiterate. The servant just happens to ask Romeo for help and Romeo sees Rosaline's name on the list. Romeo invites himself to the feast in spite of the danger he may be putting himself in. There he meats the love of his life Juliet.
Scene 3 Lady Capulet and the nurse questions Juliet about her feelings about marriage and then informs Juliet of Paris' proposal. Juliet agrees to looking into marriage and agrees to seek interest into Paris. They don’t know each other yet.
Scene 4 Later that night on a street in Verona Mercutio, Romeo and Benvolio are walking down the street making jokes about each other before the party. They have on their decorative masks. Mercutio makes fun of Romeo for being in love with Rosaline.
Scene 5 Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio all arrive at the party in their masks’ greeted at the door by Capulet. Romeo sees Juliet and quickly falls in love with her. Tybalt recognizes Romeos voice and sends someone to kill him. Capulet tells Tybalt to relax a keep it peaceful at the party. Romeo and Juliet grow closer and eventually kiss each other. When Romeo couldn’t find Juliet he asks his nurse where he could find her and finds out that she is Capulet and Lady Capulet daughter.
Act #2 Prologue Scene 1-6 Romeo and Juliet fall in love quickly while they hardly even know each other. Romeo dropped his feelings for Rosaline like a bad habit.
Scene 1 Romeo continues to look for Juliet and reluctantly nearly gets spotted by Benvolio and Mrecutio. His friends don’t know yet that he has fallen out of love with Rosaline and into love with Juliet. Before he could get spotted by either one of them he sneaks into the Capulet orchard. He stays there until Benvolio suggests for them to leave.
Scene 2 He creeps deeper into the orchard and stands below Juliet’s bedroom. Then Juliet comes out onto her balcony and calls out “where thou art thou Romeo”. They get to talking and agree to marry.
Scene 3 Romeo goes to see Friar to set up wedding arrangements and to ask him to marry the two. Friar is shocked at the way he transitioned his love from Rosaline to Juliet. While he prepares some herbs and flowers and listen to Romeo love story he agrees to marry them.
Scene 4 Mercutio and Benvolio search for Romeo. Mercutio says that he thinks the reason why Romeo wasn't with last night is because of Rosaline. when Romeo gets there he listens to Mercutios many criticisms then nurse and tybalt arrive in search of Romeo to ask him about any up dates about the wedding. Romeo tells the Nurse that Juliet should meet him at Friar Laurence's cell at 2 p.m. that afternoon to be married.
Scene 5 Juliet waits in the orchard for the nurse and Tybalt and to return. The nurse acts as if she was tired to make Juliet even more eager to hear the news. The the nurse finally gives in and tells her.
Scene 6 While Romeo and friar await for Juliet he again warns Romeo of the bad decision he may be about make. He reclaims his love for Juliet before Juliet arrives. Friar takes them in the church to be married.
Romeo and Juliet Tie the Knot
Act 3
Scene 1 Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel. Mercutio fights Tybalt and Tybalt kills Mercutio. Tybalt challenges Romeo again and Romeo kills Tybalt, his cousin.
Scene 2 Tybalt and Mercutio are dead. Juliet doesn’t know rather to be happy her husbands alive or sad that her cousins dead. Romeo gets banished from Verona.
Scene 3 Romeo has been banished from Verona. While he’s still there Friar tells him to go and see Juliet for the last time. He tells Romeo to run away to Mantua and when he fixes everything he can come back.
Scene 4 Paris talks to Capulet and tells him that he wants to wed Juliet. Capulet says yes and says that they can wed on Friday. Paris says that he cant wait that long and Capulet moves it up to Thursday. Lady Capulet sets up the wedding.
Scene 5 Juliet is upset and lady Capulet expects the its because of her cousins death. Lady Capulet informs Juliet of her wedding on Thursday. Juliet tells her that she doesn’t want to marry Paris she wants to marry Romeo. Lady Capulet tells Capulet and he tells her that if she doesn’t marry Paris on Thursday he disowns her and will kick her out.
Act 4
Scene 1 Paris is trying to get on Juliet's good side. Juliet says that she ‘d rather die than to marry Paris. Friar says that she will give her this poison to make it look lies she's dead.
Scene 2 Juliet tells her father that she will marry Paris. Capulet gets so excited that she agrees to marry Paris that he moved the date from Thursday to Wednesday. Lady Capulet argues that that was short notice to move the date up but lord Capulet doesn’t care what he says.
Scene 3 Juliet asks everyone to leave her room so she could have some privacy. She drinks the poison and preys that the poison works and doesn’t leave her alone in the tomb. She places a dagger next to her on her bed.
Scene 4 Lord Capulet is frantic abut the wedding. Everyone in the caplet house was up all night. There was music playing signaling that Paris was coming. Capulet orders for the nurse to wake Juliet.
Scene 5 The nurse enters the room a sees Juliet dead. She calls everyone into the room. Friar tells them to take her body to the family vault. Capulet tells them to change the wedding from a wedding to a funeral.