Supporting REDD+ in Bangladesh


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting REDD+ in Bangladesh Matieu Henry Dhaka, October 25h 2011

Content UNREDD country support REDD+ history REDD+ activities Multiphase implementation of REDD+ Forest Monitoring System MRV system Conclusion

1. UN-REDD Country Support The Programme currently has 35 partner countries spanning Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, of which 14 are receiving support to National Programme activities. Country-lead process: countries must request support FAO: Focus on technical monitoring and MRV

UNREDD web site: Access the information from the other UN-REDD pilot and partner countries

2. REDD+ and UNFCCC COP 15: Copenhagen - Decision on methodological guidance COP 11: REDD is back to the agenda COP7: the Marrakesh accords: REDD is removed from LULUCF COP 16: Cancun agreements – the REDD+ mechanism is launched The Kyoto protocol – discussion on LULUCF COP 13: The Bali Action Plan (REDD) 1997 2001 2004 2007 2010 SBSTA 29 (Poznan): the concept of REDD+ is introduced Idea of compensating for reducing national rates of deforestation

2. REDD+ and UNFCCC ARTICLE 4 of the UNFCCC: COMMITMENTS All Parties, taking into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and their specific national and regional development priorities, objectives and circumstances, shall: (a) Develop, periodically update, publish and make available to the Conference of the Parties, in accordance with Article 12, national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, using comparable methodologies to be agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties;

2. REDD+ and UNFCCC Bangladesh 12 November 2002

2. REDD+ and UNFCCC (b) Enhanced national/international action […] (ii) Nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties in the context of sustainable development, supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity-building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner; (iii) Policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries;

2. REDD+ and UNFCCC Article 1 (c): To use the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidance and guidelines, as adopted or encouraged by the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate, as a basis for estimating anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks and forest area changes;

2. REDD+ and UNFCCC Article 1 (d): To establish, according to national circumstances and capabilities, robust and transparent national forest monitoring systems and, if appropriate, sub-national systems as part of national monitoring systems that: (i) Use a combination of remote sensing and ground-based forest carbon inventory approaches for estimating, as appropriate, anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks and forest area changes; (ii) Provide estimates that are transparent, consistent, as far as possible accurate, and that reduce uncertainties, taking into account national capabilities and capacities; (iii) Are transparent and their results are available and suitable for review as agreed by the Conference of the Parties;

The IPCC basic equation to estimates GHGs emission from land use related activities Emissions = AD • EF AD = Activity Data EF = Emission Factors A monitoring system under UNFCCC will have to provide data on forest area and forest area changes and also on carbon stock and carbon stock changes

Activity Data Definition Activity Data refers to the area extent of a land use category/ subcategory and to its area changes on time (e.g. changes in land use area) (ha.yr-1). To report on the area changes countries should stratify their territory into homogeneous land categories/subcategories. This is an example of the possible land categories (based on the stratifications found in Indonesia’ s NFI 1996) found under each stratification. Note that not all forest type will be represented under each category. The forest area of a country is not homogeneous in terms of species composition, management practices, (e.g. unexploited, under sustainable management, conservation, etc.) and ongoing and future drivers of carbon stock changes (e.g. drivers of deforestation). In response to this variability, a country will implement a set of diversified policies and measures to achieve sustainable management of its land resources. In terms of measurement and reporting, this translates into a need for a detailed stratification of the entire national territory, as follows (figure 2):   1. A stratification of the forest land area is needed to identify and track areas of land with different biophysical properties, subject to different policies, measures and activities. Therefore, the entire national territory will be stratified according to biophysical and socio-economic variables. Within a single stratum, different activities and institutional arrangements related to forest carbon stocks management will be identified, resulting in an additional more detailed sub-stratification. 12

Emission Factors Definition Is a coefficient that quantifies the emissions or removals in areas undergoing human induced changes. (eqCO2.ha-1) Emission factors are quantified through changes in carbon stocks in the pools considered by the IPCC. This is an example of the possible land categories (based on the stratifications found in Indonesia’ s NFI 1996) found under each stratification. Note that not all forest type will be represented under each category. The forest area of a country is not homogeneous in terms of species composition, management practices, (e.g. unexploited, under sustainable management, conservation, etc.) and ongoing and future drivers of carbon stock changes (e.g. drivers of deforestation). In response to this variability, a country will implement a set of diversified policies and measures to achieve sustainable management of its land resources. In terms of measurement and reporting, this translates into a need for a detailed stratification of the entire national territory, as follows (figure 2):   1. A stratification of the forest land area is needed to identify and track areas of land with different biophysical properties, subject to different policies, measures and activities. Therefore, the entire national territory will be stratified according to biophysical and socio-economic variables. Within a single stratum, different activities and institutional arrangements related to forest carbon stocks management will be identified, resulting in an additional more detailed sub-stratification. 13

2. Cancun Agreements New mechanisms for mitigation actions in non-Annex I Parties Annex II National appropriate mitigation actions by developing country parties (NAMAs) developing countries also contributes to climate change capacity building provided depending on financial and technical supports national communications have to be enhanced + every two years update reports (para 60 c.) mitigation actions will be measured, reported and verified and subject to international verification in accordance with the guidelines developed under the Convention

2. Cancun Agreements New mechanisms for mitigation actions in non-Annex I Parties Para 71 When undertaking activities referred to in paragraph 70 of this decision, the following safeguards should be promoted and supported: [...] (e) Actions are consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, [...] (f) Actions to address the risks of reversals; (g) Actions to reduce displacement of emissions.

3. REDD+ activities REDD+ potential activities Conservation Deforestation Degradation Enhancement of forest C stock Conservation SMF REDD+ potential activities Enhancement of FCS

4. Multiphase implementation of REDD+ Readiness Phase II Result based activities Implemented by predictable funding Phase III Payments for verified performance REDD+ PHASES Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Capacity building & development MRV System LMS LMS: AD NFI: EF GHG Inventory CO2e MRV PHASES Monitoring of Demonstration Activities Monitoring of Policies & Measures This is a transition phase focusing on the implementation of results-based demonstration activities. The net outcomes of these activities will be assessed by a Land Monitoring System (LMS). The LMS will also contribute to providing information on some of the REDD+ Safeguards. REDD+ will be fully integrated with other mitigation mechanisms under UNFCCC. The MRV System will become fully operational. Activity data (AD) and emission factors (EF) will be assessed to generate the national GHG inventory. This will require a LMS and National Forest Inventory (NFI) becoming fully operational. This Phase will result in payments for verified performance. The results will be verified by a roster of experts coordinated by the UNFCCC Secretariat. Countries will need to define their national system for forest monitoring forest, safeguard’s information and MRV and initiate capacity building of all the institutions involved, with a view to operationalising these institutional arrangements in Phase II. Another area of work I is the development of a national framework for REDD+ Policies and Measures.

4. Multiphase implementation of REDD+ National REDD+ process (Phases 1 & 2): To access REDD+ finance (Phase 3): Need a monitoring system Need an MRV system For performance-based payments

5. Forest Monitoring System Interpretation Verification Management Development Reporting Country boundaries Acquisition Crucial element to monitor the implementation of the REDD+ policies and measures Provide forest cover area change data using remote sensing. Operationalisation will be required in Phase 2 to provide RS monitoring data of sub-national demonstration activities and national coverage data for basic land use indicators. should become fully operational in Phase 3.

INPE forest monitoring system for Brazilian Amazon Main elements of the system: PRODES – Amazon Deforestation Monitoring Project Brazilian Amazon Deforestation Assessment DETER – Near real time Deforestation Detection with MODIS Support for Law Enforcement for Deforestation Control DEGRAD – Amazon Degradation Monitoring Project TERRA-AMAZON: Platform managing all operations using a unique corporate database in a distributed and concurrent environment Main elements of the system: PRODES – Amazon Deforestation Monitoring Project Brazilian Amazon Deforestation Assessment DETER – Near real time Deforestation Detection with MODIS Support for Law Enforcement for Deforestation Control DEGRAD – Amazon Degradation Monitoring Project TERRA-AMAZON: Platform managing all operations using a unique corporate database in a distributed and concurrent environment

5. Forest Monitoring System NOT RELATED TO CARBON


5. MRV System x = The purposes of an MRV System are: Satellite monitoring system National Forest Inventory GHG inventory x = 2005 LULUCF Inventory Inventory compilation QA/QC Emission Inventory Database UNFCCC The purposes of an MRV System are: -to assess and report on anthropogenic GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks related to forest land during the third phase of REDD+ - to enable identification and tracking of actions and processes related to the 5 REDD+ activities, following the most recently adopted or encouraged IPCC methodological approaches.

National Forest Inventory 5. MRV System Emission Factor Assessing biomass, carbon stocks and emission factors. The data are mainly obtained from a national forest inventory. Forest classification and sampling design improves the accuracy and the efficiency of the inventory. M EF . The data are stored and harmonized into a REDD+ database. The data on forest land area are used to develop matrices representing the changes between land uses and within the forest land area R Verification of the forest cover change data using ground measurements and high resolution satellite imageries. The verification can be done by several institutions including the civil society. V

5. MRV System Emission Factor Method 1 Method 2

7. CONCLUSION Feasibility Adaptability Adoptability FORESTS Actions and activities (in and outside forests) Benefit Distribution System Policies and measures FORESTS Consistency with the objectives of national forest programmes Respect rights of indigenous people Participative approach Risk of reversals Reduce displacement INFORMATION Deforestation Degradation Enhancement of forest C stock Conservation SMF Enhancement of FCS Policy and decision makers Financial mechanisms Satellite Forest monitoring System National Forest Inventory International community and donor countries GHG inventory MRV SYSTEM

7. CONCLUSION Geospatial information Estimating Livestock Archiving National system for GHG inventory Archiving Forest inventory QA/QC and verification Soil properties Planning Managing

REDD+ Coordination (connected with President Office) Land Satellite Monitoring System Agency D National Forest Inventory Agency C GHG National Inventory Agency B  Quality Control National Communication Agency A Verification Internal independent evaluation Quality Assurance Do you have the necessary institutional arrangements to identify the mandate of each institution, and allow the permanent exchange of the data? NFI data (diameter, tree height etc.) Spatial database Do you have a database and an archiving system to store the data and allow a transparent access to the different institutions? Tree species database Wood density data Allometric functions Emissions = AD • EF AD = Activity Data EF = Emission Factors Does the different institution use the same definitions and classification?

Do you have a system to monitoring forest land use change? Do you have a database for satellite imageries? Do you have a Web-GIS interface to allow the transparent access of the data? Do you have a national forest inventory and the adequate allometric model to assess biomass and carbon stocks?

Thank you for your attention!