What is WOW? –10 week weight management programme –BMI 30+ –Run by Wellbeing team on behalf of GPs –Launched January 2009 –First programme March 2009 –9 current programmes –450 referrals –125 have completed – total weight lost 52 stone! –91 on current courses –177 on waiting list (some drop off after referral)
Aim of Research What do participants think of WOW? How did they hear about it? What was the process like? How have they benefited? How life changing has it been? What was good about WOW? What could be improved upon?
Methodology Qualitative –Focus Group –5 participants; though……invited –4 female; one male –Cross section of courses; venues –Good open discussion –Independently facilitated
Much praise for WOW! Programme –Lifestyle changing; not just a diet Venues used –“it was secluded – private. If it hadn’t been, I think there would have been objections” Instructors –Motivating and committed –Encouraging –“even if you just lost a pound, they were still encouraging – they’d say you are still going down, don’t worry” Support from fellow participants –Very motivating –Sense of personal achievement –“you bonded because you had something in common” Giving knowledge and tools to change lifestyles –“It was really informative to help you on your way to change” Included some wake up calls; e.g. portion size Wanted more! Would recommend it Would attend again!
The Benefits…. Health – one of the strongest reasons for attending; but a realisation that has to come from the individual –Needing fewer tablets –Reduced blood pressure Feeling better physically and mentally –Dropping a dress size “As soon as you come down a dress size you think, YES! You feel so good in yourself” –“It’s just nice to feel better” “It’s nice to eat nice food rather than rubbish!” Better understanding of food types and in particular portion portion sizes Saving money on food because not buying so much –“It was really informative to help you on your way to change” More conscious of what you are eating
How to encourage participation.. Ease of referral The importance of referral coming from a health professional Capturing the moment when people decide for themselves – –acting quickly –making things easy and accessible –“everyone who turned up on that first day were there because they wanted to be there. We made the decision….you won’t get people to respond unless they are ready for it….” More information about BMI
How could we make things even better…… Extending WOW and/or gradually winding it down Encouraging participants to form a group after WOW for mutual support Easy referral procedure Dr’s surgeries to be fully aware Reduce waiting lists for WOW Promoting the benefits of WOW to health professionals & others Consider the offer of using previous WOW participants as ambassadors Revisiting the programme plan to ensure the order of imparting information best meets needs Ensuring the difference between WOW and Active Life programmes are understood Findings further ways of encouraging participants to integrate exercise into their lifestyles – perhaps via links with the Active programme?