Dr. Renee A. Foose, Superintendent LEADING WITH DATA
Adrienne Williams-McKinney Bryant Woods ES Congratulations!
TODAY’S OUTCOMES Reflect on the power of leading with data to drive rigorous instruction for all students Explore research on Howard County student outcomes that supports a pathway to college and career readiness Deepen a skill set for analyzing data to drive rigorous instruction
October Leadership October Leadership: Measuring what Matters
November Leadership: Defining Rigorous Instruction What is rigor? How can the evaluation process support rigorous instruction? What leadership actions support rigor for all students?
Measuring What Matters OCT Defining Rigorous Instruction NOV Leading with Data FEB
Leading with Data: Accelerating All Students
Predicting College Readiness beginning in Grade 1 MAP ACT
Indicators of College Readiness score conversion chart
HS Indicators of College Readiness and Fall College Enrollment (in odds ratio) Source: Rethinam, V. (2013). The Howard County Public School System ‘s Secondary School Academic Indicators of College Readiness.
Percent of Graduates Who Scored PSAT ≥145 in Grade 10
Percent of Graduates who Took Algebra 1 by Grade 8 All GraduatesGraduates with a PSAT ≥ 145
Percent of Graduates who Enrolled in At Least One AP Course by Grade 11 All GraduatesGraduates with a PSAT ≥ 145
Step 1: Concept Attainment Step 2: Discuss the differences Baseline Benchmark Target Standard
Baseline - The existing average level of performance that can be used as a point of comparison for future levels of performance. Benchmark - A point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed. This typically comes from outside your organization. Target – A level of performance we are aiming to reach in future. Standard - A level of quality or attainment.
Differences Benchmark Focuses on individual students and their desired level of competency. This could be the passing score on a test or an assignment, or a competency level on a rubric. Based on an external standard Target Focuses on all the students in the program and is the percent of students that meet or exceed the benchmark. Performance targets should be described in terms of percentage at (or above) the benchmark. Based on an internal standard
E. Grace Chesney Chief Accountability Officer An Online Guide for: