AIRS Radiance and Geophysical Products: Methodology and Validation Mitch Goldberg, Larry McMillin NOAA/NESDIS Walter Wolf, Lihang Zhou, Yanni Qu and M. Divakarla
Science Activities Data compression. Validate and improve radiative transfer calculations. Cloud detection and clearing. Cloud products Channel selection (super channels). Validate and improve retrieval algorithms. Trace gases Surface emissivity Use MODIS to improve AIRS cloud detection and cloud clearing Radiance bias adjustments Forecast impact studies
TOPICS Use of principal components (a.k.a. eigenvectors) for data compression. Surface emissivity Cloud detection
AIRS Geophysical Products Microwave-only retrieval of sfc emissivity, sfc temperature, sfc type and profiles of temperature, water vapor and cloud liquid water. AIRS retrieval of cloud amount and height, sfc emissivity, sfc temperature, and profiles of temperature, water vapor and ozone. AIRS has two retrieval steps – very fast eigenvector regression followed by a physical retrieval algorithm.
Data Compression Advanced IR sounder data are very large compared with current sounders (1 orbit ~ 2GB vs. 8 MB) Much larger for GIFTS. Information is not independent. Principal component analysis (PCA) is often used to reduce data vectors with many components to a different set of data vectors with much fewer components that still retains most of the variability and information of the original data Data are rotated onto a new set of axes, such that the first few axes have the most explained variance. Principal component scores are provided instead of the individual channels. Individual channels can be reconstructed with minimal signal loss with added benefit of noise reduction.
Generating AIRS eigenvectors Collect an ensemble of AIRS spectra (2378 channels). The radiances are normalized by expected instrumental noise (signal to noise) Compute the covariance matrix S Compute the eigenvectors E and eigenvalues S = E E T E = matrix of orthonormal eigenvectors (2378x2378) = vector of eigenvalues (explained variance)
Training Ensemble Eigenvectors are generated from a spatial subset of AIRS data (200 mbytes vs 30 GB full data) Eigenvectors are generated daily. A static set of eigenvectors is used, but the ensemble is occasionally updated with new structures. When the ensemble is updated a new set of eigenvectors is also updated.
Locations used in generating eigenvectors
Applying AIRS eigenvectors On independent data – compute principal component scores. P = E T R ; elements of R = (r i - r i ) /n i Invert equation and compute reconstructed radiances R*. R* = E P Reconstructed radiances are used for quality control. Reconstruction score = [ 1/N 3(R* i - R i ) 2 ] 1/2 i = 1 ….N channels
Square root of the eigenvalues
Reconstruction score = [ 1/N 3(R* i - R i ) 2 ] 1/2 i = 1 ….N channels
Reconstruction score = [ 1/N 3(R* i - R i ) 2 ] 1/2 i = 1 ….N channels
Monitoring Eigenvectors Monitoring eigenvectors is critical Eigenvectors may need to be updated due to new structures that were not in the original ensemble
12/4/00 reconstruction scores
Monitoring reconstruction score is important Days July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
Noise Noise free 75 PCS
Observed vs noise-free reconstructed vs noise-free. Noise Reduction
“ Observed” Reconstructed
Observed vs. Reconstructed
New Plan Generate full spatial resolution AIRS principal component score datasets Size ~ 5 MB instead of 150 MB per six minute granule
Surface emissivity
Retrieval error based on 18 channels Background Std dev. Retrieval error
Clear detection
BACKGROUND NWP centers will assimilate clear radiances Need very good cloud detection algorithm Very important for radiance validation and to initiate the testing of the level 2 retrieval code.
Cloud Detection over Ocean Use VIS/NIR channels during day. Compare SST with 2616 cm-1 at Night. Predicting SST from 11 and 8 micron channels (works for day and night) Predict 2616 from 8 micron channels (night) 11 micron window > 270 K
ONLY 0.5% residual clouds
Cloud detection – Non Sea Predict AIRS channel at cm-1 from AMSU FOV is labeled “mostly clear” if predicted AIRS – observed AIRS < 2 AND IF SW LW IR window test is successful: [ch( )-CH( )] < 10 K Variability of radiance within 3x3 <
Clear Detected Fovs Cloud cleared cases
Future Work – Merge MODIS and AIRS High spatial resolution will improve determination of clear AIRS fovs. High spatial resolution will greatly improve clear estimate needed for cloud clearing.
MODIS Sounder Radiance Product MODIS has HIRS-like sounder channels – but at high spatial resolution (1 km). Find a few clear MODIS fovs in a 50 x 50 km area should provide a yield of 80% -- similar to AMSU
Summary Busy getting ready for real AIRS data Simulating AIRS in real-time has provided a means to develop, test and validate the delivery of products to NWP centers, AND created a platform to develop scientific tools to analyze the data and test algorithms. Early releases of the data should be available 3 months after launch Final radiance products ~ 7 months Retrievals ~ 12 months First activity will be to examine biases between measured and computed radiances and validation of the clear detection algorithm. “Day-2” Utilize MODIS