History Society
Homecoming Golf Cart Parade Door Decorating Contest Powder Puff Football King and Queen We need volunteers for homecoming, if interested please stay afterwards and talk to me about it.
T-Shirts We have one design thus far. The voting will be held on 10/8 for designs. Please keep in mind that the shirt will be navy blue as determined by vote at the prior meeting.
Bulletin Board Dr. Kemp has volunteered to allow the History Society to use the History Department Bulletin Board in Arts and Sciences. Does anyone have any ideas for a display we could do?
Results of the Book Sale WWWWe raised over $ for the Society during the Book Sale! TTTThe Books may be picked up from Dr. Tate’s Office beginning tomorrow
Roundtable Meeting Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 11:15 AM The officers will lead this meeting and debate on various historical topics. Which Historical topics? You PICK! Please write down any topics you want on a sheet of paper and hand it in at the end of the meeting
King Tut Field Trip
Thanksgiving At a prior meeting, we discussed having a Thanksgiving roundtable. Is there any interest in still doing this?
Volunteering As students of Clayton State, and good members of Society, we should volunteer somewhere. Any suggestions?
End of the Semester Conference At the end of this semester, the History Society is going to hold a student conference. We need people who are willing to present research papers, book reviews, et. Al.