Best Works Portfolio Using Microsoft Publisher
Lesson Plan
Objective: The students will use Microsoft Publisher to create Their Best Works portfolio as part of their CRES final evaluation.
Artist Profile Elizabeth Slagle Ceramics III Grade 11 Tuscarora High School Artist Profile Elizabeth Slagle Ceramics III Grade 11 Tuscarora High School Description Title : Untitled Medium: Stoneware Size: 12”x12”x24” Decoration: High-fire glaze Objective: To create a large handbuilt vessel using coils and slabs. Description Title : Garden View Medium: Red Earthenware Size: 9”x9”x18” Decoration: Low-fire glaze Objective: To create a large decorative vase using the pottery wheel. Description Title: Self Portrait Medium: White Earthenware Size: 6”x6”x14” Decoration: Unglazed Objective To create a vessel using three clay self-portrait sculptures that were made from a plaster face mold. Artist Profile Elizabeth Slagle Ceramics III Grade 11 Tuscarora High School Artist Profile Elizabeth Slagle Ceramics III Grade 11 Tuscarora High School Description Title : Untitled Medium: Stoneware Size: 12”x12”x24” Decoration: High-fire glaze Objective: To create a large handbuilt vessel using coils and slabs. Description Title : Garden View Medium: Red Earthenware Size: 9”x9”x18” Decoration: Low-fire glaze Objective: To create a large decorative vase using the pottery wheel. Description Title: Self Portrait Medium: White Earthenware Size: 6”x6”x14” Decoration: Unglazed Objective To create a vessel using three clay self-portrait sculptures that were made from a plaster face mold. Artist Profile Elizabeth Slagle Ceramics III Grade 11 Tuscarora High School Artist Profile Elizabeth Slagle Ceramics III Grade 11 Tuscarora High School Description Title : Untitled Medium: Stoneware Size: 12”x12”x24” Decoration: High-fire glaze Objective: To create a large handbuilt vessel using coils and slabs. Description Title : Garden View Medium: Red Earthenware Size: 9”x9”x18” Decoration: Low-fire glaze Objective: To create a large decorative vase using the pottery wheel. Description Title: Self Portrait Medium: White Earthenware Size: 6”x6”x14” Decoration: Unglazed Objective To create a vessel using three clay self-portrait sculptures that were made from a plaster face mold. Best Works Photos
CRES Best Works Portfolio List Student_________________________________ School ____________________________ Course(s)________________________________Date_______________________________ Best Works List and Description Art Work Title MediumSource Key Project Description and Specific Objective(s): Identify briefly the teacher assignment or open –ended task you received. What is the “concept” of this piece? What are you attempting to “do” or create in this space