Romanesque vs. Gothic Architecture
Directions As discussed in class, there are significant differences between Romanesque Churches and Gothic Churches. 1.Your assignment is to find me 3 examples of each type of church. 2.Tell me why each church meets the criteria for each type of Church. Meaning: What makes the church Romanesque or Gothic. Be specific in your answer. 3.You may use the next 3 slides as your templates. 4.Be sure to give credit on the last paged marked works cited. Cite all websites used for information and pictures.
The Cathedral of Saint-Front, RomanesqueGothic What makes this Church Romanesque? The walls, Arch, and Vaulting Gothic picture goes here What makes this Church Gothic?
Abbey of Sénanque RomanesqueGothic What makes this Church Romanesque? The surrounding vaulting and walls Gothic picture goes here What makes this Church Gothic?
San Vittore alle Chiuse, RomanesqueGothic What makes this Church Romanesque? The walls and area of the church Gothic picture goes here What makes this Church Gothic?
Works Cited Page _Front_a.jpg -1 st Romanesque picture _Front_a.jpg provence-gordes.jpg -2 nd Romanesque picture provence-gordes.jpg -the walls and area of the chruch