Carol Mershon and Denise Walsh, University of Virginia
1. Problems 2. Goals 3. Reform Action Plan 4. Transformative Action Plan 5. Conclusions
Some progress, continuing underrepresentation Inequality of power, resources, and rewards e.g. salary data in Monroe et al Disadvantages especially acute for women of color e.g. very small numbers greater burdens of service and bias Anonymous: structural masculinism García Bedolla: “hard sell” of intersectionality
More women in profession at all levels, esp. women of color esp. in leadership positions incl. chairs of departments One means of advancing these goals: coalitions among women across institutions, caucuses, and committees
For APSA to adopt Status Committees and Caucuses would encourage APSA to adopt Should address problems of past and present, be thinking about future challenges Should include short, medium and long- range plans
Two types Reform ▪ fit within the conventional norms of political science Transformative ▪ challenge those norms
Reform Action Plan Generate, disseminate, and promote best practices
Short Term Promote existing APSA best practices: ▪ Increase member awareness and use of APSA childcare ▪ Increase use of “soft” quotas like those for APSA Presidency ▪ Encourage departments to: ▪ be more attentive to childcare issues ▪ adopt “soft” quotas for leadership positions Promote research & data collection on the discipline ▪ E.g., research on mentoring; who is leaving the field and why? Etc.
Medium Term Set best practices for depts and then rank them: ▪ faculty diversity, equitable service distribution, P&T procedures, salary equity, mentoring, etc. Expand APSA training programs ▪ E.g., train chairs on how to do dept climate evaluations and address bias; train directors of grad programs on how to recruit diverse students; offer workshops for minorities at critical points in the career Create opportunities for graduate students to organize a caucus with a diversity focus
Long term Reward individuals and depts that do well on best practices ▪ E.g., Association diversity awards and mentoring awards; publicize widely Sponsor roundtables at meetings to showcase successes
Change APSA leadership procedures and norms Address neo-positivism and diversity Acknowledge harms done
Change APSA leadership procedures and norms Short term ▪ Task Force on restructuring APSA to be more responsive to its diverse constituency ▪ External review of APSA HQ ▪ E.g., should Director of Diversity and Inclusion Programs have a bigger staff/budget/redefined portfolio? Medium term ▪ Begin implementing restructuring Long term ▪ Fully representative & responsive APSA leadership and staff
Neo-positivism and Diversity Short term ▪ Build support for diversity through Best Practices ▪ The professional is not political ▪ Reframe parental leave, salary equity, childcare as crucial for the profession, instead of “off limits” Medium term ▪ Annual Conference theme on Epistemological Diversity and Discrimination Long term ▪ APSA Leadership Council mandates a minimum number of methodologically plural panels in all conferences
Acknowledge harms done Short term ▪ Theater Group at annual conference on harms of exclusion and discrimination Medium term ▪ Publish testimonies of harm incurred in the profession and publicize widely Long term ▪ APSA TRC to catalog, raise awareness of and redress harms ▪ APSA apology
Members of underrepresented groups at APSA Want change Have many ideas Want their representatives to act ▪ Status Committees and Caucuses We need better communication and coalition building: CSWP microsite