Assessment Design
Four Professional Learning Modules 1.Unpacking the AC achievement standards 2.Validity and reliability of assessments 3. Confirming teacher judgments of student learning 4. Reporting student learning
Aims Purpose of Formative and Summative Assessment. To review the 6 key principles of assessment design. Reflect on the process for ensuring quality assessment.
1.What is assessment? 2. What is the purpose of assessment?
Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about students' learning.
Formative + Summative
6 Key Principles of ‘Assessment Design’
What is the planned outcome of this task? How has this been made explicit to students? How will I check to see the learner has achieved the learning outcomes?
Sharing Learning Objectives Focus on the skill Unpacking the objective Clarifying key language Ensuring students have an opportunity to demonstrate they have met the objective
Valid and Reliable
Does the task allow students to demonstrate the planned outcomes? How will I ensure an on balance judgement is made on what the student is able to do?
Does this task account for diversity? Are you intending to assess using a variety of assessment methods?
Curriculum Areas within unit Methods of collecting evidence used Project/Unit of work
Instructional Utility
What skills/knowledge does the student need before they attempt the task? Will the task allow you to determine ‘where to next’? How will you provide feedback to students?
Student Centred
What is the student involvement in the learning process? Can students evaluate their own progress? Are students aware of purpose of task in the learning journey?
Practical Convenience
Is it worth it? Can I do it? Are there connections which can be made?
Four Professional Learning Modules 1.Unpacking the AC achievement standards 2.Validity and reliability of assessments 3. Confirming teacher judgments of student learning 4. Reporting student learning
Teaching Comprehension
Aims Using PM Benchmark Running Records to guide instruction Reading behaviors and strategies for teaching comprehension How Guided Reading and Reading Conferences are effective in improving student outcomes Examples of Assessment Rubrics
Conducting PM Benchmark Running Records Analyzing the reading behaviors and reading strategies from the running record Setting next steps for student learning Meeting the needs of the students through Guided Reading and Reading Conferences
Aims Purpose of Formative and Summative Assessment. To review the 6 key principles of assessment design. Reflect on the process for ensuring quality assessment.
Reading Conferences Guided Reading
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