Gene Sprouse Abhay Deshpande Axel Drees Tom Hemmick Barbara Jacak Experimental Nuclear Physics Presented by Barbara Jacak Sept. 26, 2005
History of experimental nuclear physics Cohesive group, currently working in 2 areas long tradition of joint seminars, joint use of NSL l Initially were five faculty Sprouse, Lee, McGrath, Paul, Fossan l Added P. Braun-Munzinger and J. Stachel They led a part of the group toward RHIC physics Recruited Hemmick l When PBM and Johanna left Department decided to put resources into strengthening RHIC effort Marx joined Recruited Jacak and Drees to replace McGrath, Paul moved to administrative jobs, Lee retired
In 2003 LRP l Search for nuclear structure faculty Junior faculty to work with Fossan, Sprouse Recruited Pietralla l Broaden RHIC program to include RHIC-spin With eye to future e-RHIC Joint with RBRC Recruited Deshpande
Now l Lost Fossan in 2003 l Pietralla leaving l Current strength 3+1 faculty at RHIC 1 faculty in nuclear structure
The issue Nuclear is a traditional area of strength at Stony Brook l Nuclear & Particle Physics ranks in top 10 nationally The ONLY SUNY area(s) in physics appearing in national rankings We produce more students in NP than almost any other institution Produced many leaders in the physics community l Generally more effective to recruit top people into a highly ranked program Much more difficult to build up from scratch l Let’s keep our high ranking in experimental Nuclear Physics!
We propose l A search for the BEST nuclear experimentalist Regardless of area l Will make a big impact Taking advantage of existing infrastructure l If nuclear structure Short term: program at Gammasphere, Triumf, or other user facilities Longer term: utilize RIA (together with Sprouse) Can utilize NSL infrastructure to undertake RIA equipment development We can lead the way nationally on this!
Continuation of options… l If Relativistic Heavy Ions Develop program at the LHC Use technical infrastructure from the RHIC group Close intellectual collaboration with RHIC group & Urs Wiedemann in nuclear theory Long term physics tie between LHC and eRHIC physics of gluon condensate l If JLAB Short term: either join RHIC spin or continue at JLAB with a modest program Long term: eRHIC eRHIC WILL be a joint physics program between RHIC & JLAB
urgency l Loss of Fossan and Pietralla have severely contracted the group Cannot stay at low strength for long and maintain visibility Actually have lost two faculty members, so replacing at least one is urgent l Have an infrastructure opportunity for next 2 years $1M evaporator facility coming to SB on loan Can be used for a number of projects
Why this will be good for the department l Nuclear physics has brought good people to Stony Brook They have gone on to contribute leadership to the department to the university to BNL national and international research visibility and service l Nuclear Physics at Stony Brook is well supported by funding agencies