Fighting the Next War David J Allen, Registrar and Deputy Chief Executive 12 July 2011
Coverage News and updates from Services & Colleges Fighting the Next War: White Paper – key issues for Exeter From RAE to REF Making the Research Council cut Partnerships
MORE CONGRATULATIONS! JEREMY LINDLEY UK/Europe Managing Director, INTO University Partnerships
Niamh Lamond Chief Executive, Tremough Campus Services Professor Robert van de Noort Dean, College of Social Sciences and International Studies Professor Stephen Rippon Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Research Adele Wordsworth Events Manager Appointments
UNIVERSITY LEAGUE TABLES Times Good University Guide: 1.Oxford 2.Cambridge 3.LSE 4.Imperial College 5.UCL =6.Durham =6.St Andrews 8.Warwick 9.Lancaster 10.Exeter England’s Ivy League*: 1.Oxford 2.Cambridge 3.Durham 4.LSE 5.Bristol 6.Exeter 7.Warwick 8.Imperial College 9.UCL Sunday Times * Sunday Times “As a consequence, about a dozen universities, which principally recruit from the 65,000 students in this top band, will largely operate outside the quota system. This will free these top institutions to do as they wish. This grouping will include Oxford, Cambridge and University College London. High-prestige institutions from outside the Russell Group of research-intensive universities, such as Exeter, will join them.” Chris Cook, Education Correspondent, Financial Times (2 nd July) THE Table of Tables Exeter Top 10 for the first time
University Strategy
The Forum and Library Student Residences Capital Programme
Recognition and remuneration for staff Launch of Staff Association – Sept 2011 Local bargaining? Job Security University bonus for 2011/12 Rewarding our Staff
Proposals for change to address the challenges of 2012 Key features: The addition of a week in the autumn term to adopt a week model Introduction of a two week summer programme at the end of the summer term for all first year students Further development to be done; with detailed proposals for the summer programme Academic Year 2012/13
Government HE White Paper published on 28 June Themes: Control of student numbers Intention to create a market Residual HEFCE funding Key Information Sets – driving up our data and ‘intelligence’ Encouraging efficiency and savings De-regulation Students at the Heart of the System
The AAB World The new elite University league vs. the squeezed middle AAB by College / Subject Balance between Home / International and UG/PG when no quota constraint Do we want to grow – implications for SSRs, student experience and infrastructure? Widening Participation commitments and access agreement Importance of branding and reputation Partnerships and Shared Services Key Issues for Exeter
Research Strategy From RAE 2008 to REF 2014 Making the cut with the Research Councils Accelerating Infrastructure Tranche 2 and considering Tranche 3 Research led teaching Key Issues for Exeter (continued)
“Expanding the understanding and imagination of students is a great task. It can be done only by people whose own understandings and imagination are in good order, which is the reason why good teaching and the desire to contribute to a subject go together.” Simon Blackburn, Professor of Philosophy University of Cambridge, THE July Research-Led Teaching
Strong, independent University free of Government control Making our own way in the New World More to do on ‘regulation to trust’ with Colleges Taking stock and looking forward Confident….but not complacent Fighting the Next War
Thank you And finally…