Swarm Sharing your location with friends Posting pictures Easy to find friends nearby Messenger Games Possible to connect your account with FB, Twiter, phone number, and share Hashtag possible Statistics provided – total check in, total visitors, here now, most active person
Foursquare Similar to Swarm Finding restaurants, clubs, bars and other entertainment Rating system Comments Creating events and new places Suggestions to edit places You can use even Instagram
Using Swarm + Foursquare for organization Creating events and places For inside communication among the members of organization You can share post from here to FB and Twitter and find possition on Google maps and also conect it to Foursquare Find information about places, that could be use for meeting or workshops in the future
Google Maps In one map which has three tipes of flags with different colours. One colour is about project which finished, another one who will be in the near future and the other color which is in the present. We can find the short direction using: car, public transportation and by our legs. In the same time we have all the possibilities to find the short route and also the number of the busses which we can take.