The Arab Empire and Its Successors 6-2 The Arab Empire and Its Successors
Caliph- Successor to Muhammad, religious leader Jihad- Defensive warfare, “struggle in the way of God” Shiite- Sect of Islam who accepts only the descendents of Ali as true religious leaders
Sunni- Sect of Islam that accept any devout Muslim as a religious leader Visier- An advisor to the Caliph Sultan- Turkish title meaning “holder of power” Mosque- Muslim house of worship
8. How did General Mu’awiyah create the Umayyad dynasty? By becoming the Caliph and making it a hereditary position in his family 9. List the occupations that were given respect under the Abbasids Judges, merchants, Government officials
10. Describe the Mongol Empire Destructive invaders who burnt cities and conquered a huge part of the world through terror
11. What were strengths and weaknesses of the Abbasid dynasty Strengths tolerance of non-muslims, non- Arabs could hold high offices, supported learning, economic prosperity Weaknesses- Fighting over the succesion of the caliphate, financial corruption, local rulers broke away from central authority
Abu Bakr- Muhammad’s father in law who was chosen as the 1st caliph after Muhammad’s death Mu’awiyah- started the Umayadd dynasty by claiming the caliphate for his family
Umayyad dynasty- Created a powerful state; Islam split into Sunni and Shiite Berbers- People of North Africa who conquered the Umayyad dynasty Hussein- led a battle against the Umayyad to try to get control of the Caliphate
Abbasid dynasty- Overthrew the Umayyad and set up an accepting empire Harun al-Rashid- Caliph who ruled during the Golden Age of the Abbasid Seljuk Turks- people from Central Asia who set up a sultanate and took over the Abbasid dynasty
Saladin- Great Muslim ruler who defeated Christian invaders