Competition plans for 2015/16 PLUS competitions – Level 3 Summer – Cricket PLUS competitions are for pupils predominately from Special Schools that may have number of impairments that are towards the severe end of the spectrum, this could be a combination of physical, learning or sensory. The nature of impairments means that they can not compete in a standard competition format. They require assistance and support to carry out instructions / actions during the activities. Pupils performing at National Curriculum level 1/2 would be at the top of the range. Level 2 competitions - will be run in joint districts by NGB minimum 6 weeks before level 3(Peterborough/Hunts and Cambridgeshire SSP x3) and minimum 2 teams from each Level 2 invited to compete in Level 3 - TBC
Competition plans for 2015/16 Aspire Competitions – Level 3 Spring: o Key Stage 4 Indoor Rowing (mixed 2 boys 2 girls) Aspire Competitions are for pupils predominately in mainstream schools who have a recognised SEN/D or additional needs. Pupils maybe in a lower ability PE group and would not be able to compete in a standard school team. Pupils could have physical, learning or sensory impairments. Level 2 competitions: will be held in each SSP organised by the PDM, minimum of 1 team per SSP qualify through to Level 3
Competition plans for 2015/16 Other Competitions for SEN/D – Level 3 Spring o Adapted Multi-Sports (Secondary) – Level 3 Summer o ParAbility Football (U12/U16) o Adapted Multi-Sports (Primary) o Key Stage 3 Inclusive Archery Team Challenge o Key Stage 3 Inclusive Netball (mixed 7-a-side) Level 2 competitions: Adapted Multi-Sports will be team training and selection day to prepare for L3 ParAbility Football – through Special School League fixtures (4 teams per age group) Inclusive Archery will be held in each SSP organised by the PDM, minimum of 1 team per SSP qualify through to the L3 Inclusive Netball will replace Aspire Netball and will be held in each SSP, organised by the PDM, this will include 1 member of the team with no SEN/D to play as Centre.