By: Ashley
Spot Color Spot color refers to the process of selecting text or a graphic object such as a circle and then adding a spot of color to it
Process color Colors that are created by combining different percentages of only four ink colors Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black
Complementary Colors They are colors located directly across from each other on the color wheel
Adjacent Colors They are located next to one another on the color wheel
Color matching system A universally accepted standard or method for identifying colors
Split Complementary colors Split Complementary colors consists of one color combined with the two other colors that are located on either side of its opposite (complementary) color
Color Separation A printed page containing only the elements from the page which a certain color has been applied
Printer Marks Special entries that can appear on printer color separation p pages to help a commercial printing company align those pages when printing your work
CMYK A color model used to identify a color as percentage of the color as a percentage of the colors Cyan Magenta and Green
RGB A color model used to identify a color as a percentage of the red green and blue
Grayscale A series of shades ranging from black to white
Tint A specific shade or intensity of a certain color