East Area, M2, K12 Lau Gatignon / EN-MEF, EATM
East Area P349 has been approved for a 2-week run, timing to be defined after CLOUD collaboration, but certainly not at the start of the EA run. In the meantime the P349 detector will be stored in the T9 zone. The APRON renovation is on-going. In agreement with OP and ABT, the SMH1 motorizations have now been disconnected also in the control room. The installation of SUSI access control to the building is under way. Some local air tightness improvements will be made in CHARM. The installation of electrical infrastructure in the buffer and storage zones is under way. Also the installation of the new UPS on the North side of the hall has started. In T9 the old MWPC can be removed and replaced by a small vacuum interruption, allowing e.g. the installation of a small TOF counter.
M2 The XABS repair is progressing on schedule so far. Three radiation issues were noticed at the end of the 2014 COMPASS run: 1) High dose rates in front of PPE211 (caused by CEDAR material) 2) High dose rates in front of PPX211 (idem) 3) Expected dose around or just above 3 Sv/hr in control room 4) Some dose seen on site monitor (from COMPASS target or CEDAR?) The following actions are proposed: 1) Move PPE211 door to bottom of stairs and fence off the platform 2) Add exit door from building at the back side in interlock (or add ‘pastilles’ on outside gates to preserve emergency exit from ECN3 3) The COMPASS control room has been moved to B892 4) Monitor in 2015 to evaluate if this can become a limitation. In parallel the use of dosimeter by people entering EHN2 will be controlled more closely. RP requests to install SUSI access control to EHN2 in due course
After Sylvain Girod
ECN3 The EN/CV upgrade is under way and is on the critical path for the NA62 start-up. The overpressure on the double wall must be improved and validated and the double wall installed in the technical gallery. Before the run start a fence must be installed in the dump tunnel. The preparation of infrastructure for the RP air monitoring station is under way. Improvements on the vacuum system and guillotine valve and, if possible, on 4-jaw collimator improvements. Add local concrete shielding for LAV 1-5 electronics Prepare infrastructure (in B918) for H 2 operation of the CEDAR. Replacement of 400 mm target heads by 300 mm plates. Some CESAR improvements (e.g. BBS scan)