The identification of talent at primary schools in Slovenia according to the Primary School Concept Nomination In the course of the first three years of primary school, teachers will observe children in their classes; then nominate them at the end of the 3rd year for inschool talent identification according to a given set of criteria.
It means that children do not have to struggle with tests in grade 3. school advisors will register children who are excellent in at least one of the following: academic performance (extremely important!), arts or sports performance, success at competitions, hobbies.
Lacking the above, the opinion of the teacher or the school advisory service can be taken into account. The school advisor will talk to the parents, inform them about the criteria of nomination and request parental agreement for registration.
In that way, parents become collaborating partners from the first minute of the common work. In the case of 3rd-graders, 90% of parents agree to the nomination of their children.
It is a really reasonable element of the Primary School Concept that nomination can occur in any grade, taking into account the different development of students or the potential biased discretion of the teacher. The process continues also at secondary schools.
Table 1: Detection and work with gifted pupils in primary schooling according to the Concept: Detection and work with gifted pupils in nine year primary schools (PS) (1999). Primary School Class MONITORING of pupils - characteristics, needs, interests - INDIVIDUALISATION RECORDING- Criteria: academic success, exceptional achievements, competition, hobbies, teacher's opinion IDENTIFICATION - Criteria: teachers assessment, ability test, creativity test; INFORAMTION AND PARENTS OPINION INDIVIDUALISED PROGRAMMES (INDEP)
Table 2: Detection and work with gifted pupils in secondary schooling according to the Concept of educational work with gifted pupils in secondary education (2007). Methods:Year Pupil has already been identified as gifted pupil in primary school and submits certificate on identification INDIVIDUALISED PRORGAMMES (INDEP) 2. Detecting gifted pupils according to the Concept. RECORDING – IDENTIFICATION – INFORMATION AND PARENTS OPINION – INDEP 3. Identification on the basis of exceptional achievements at the national or international level. IDENTIFICATION – INFORMATION AND PARENTS OPINION - INDEP
At primary schools, 1/3 of children is nominated on average, but there are major differences. The differences may result from the prestige of a school, the abilities of students, the commitment or weak-heart- edness of the teacher.