Reference Page and Works Cited
Reference Pages in APA Style An alphabetic listing of all sources of facts or ideas used or cited in a report formatted in APA style. Typed on a separate page at the end of a report.
Format an APA Reference Page Use 1” margins. Double space the entire page. Insert a header, type a shortened title, and insert an automatic page number. Center and type References at the top of the page; then press enter 1 time. Apply a hanging indent and type the first line. Each reference will begin at the left margin, and the carryover lines will automatically be indented.5 inch by the hanging indent.
Works Cited Page for MLA An alphabetic listing of all sources of facts or ideas used or cited in a report formatted in MLA style. Typed on a separate page at the end of a report.
Format for Works Cited for MLA Use 1” margins. Double space the entire page. Insert a header, the author’s last name, and insert an automatic page number. Center and type Works Cited at the top of the page; then press enter 1 time. Apply a hanging indent and type the first line. Each reference will begin at the left margin, and the carryover lines will automatically be indented.5 inch by the hanging indent.