APA Style You will be quizzed on this.
What is APA? And why aren’t we using MLA? APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. You will have to use this in every class EXCEPT English. Learning it now will benefit you more than learning MLA which you will need only if you take advanced English classes.
The basics Cover sheet (title page) which contains: – Title of Paper – Your name – Date – Name of Class – Name of teacher
The basics Always double spaced. ONLY double spaced between paragraphs. Do NOT add another space. Margins are left alone. Do not adjust Header – name and page number for each page Paragraphs are indented one tab.
The basics Reference page at the end. – References are in alpha order according to the author’s last name. – Need to be double spaced and with a hanging indent. Hanging indent: go to paragraph, indentation, special, hanging.
Citations Because this is a research paper you must include research. This is NOT all your opinion. You have to back up your thoughts with facts from sources. Check the rubric for the specifics on the sources if you forget. Basically: 2 books, one encyclopedia, one newspaper, 3 internet sources (none can be Wiki)
Citations Please do NOT plagiarize. I will know if you do, there are websites that check your papers. Instead of plagiarizing, how about citing your sources. Paraphrasing a source: when you use the ideas or general facts, but not a word for word usage. You write the info and then in ( ) you put the author’s name and date. Or if using the author’s name first put only the date in the ( ).
Citations Paraphrasing: Example If a mentor still has to maintain all of his or her other duties, it may be difficult to find time for the mentor and mentee to have quality interactions, (Jones, Harris, & Miles, 2009). According to Nash (2003), inexperienced coaches need to self-reflect in order to become more effective and often times being paired with a mentor can help the new coach develop self- reflection skills.
Citation Direct quotes – Put the entire direct quote in “quotations” and then the authors name, date, and page number in the ( ). – Example: – “This was a perfect mentoring marriage – our new coach getting the help she needed and our former coach helping the program that he had built” (Hoch, 2007, p. 14).
How to write the reference page Please refer to the Super Cheat Sheet, or go online to my website and check out the extended link. There is a quiz on this, on Nov. 13. You will need to use this format in your mini- research papers. Which I will hand out shortly.