The Impact of EU Enlargement PricewaterhouseCoopers Date: 30 April, 2003 Project No Prepared by: G Keaty
2 Introduction
3 Objectives of the Study PricewaterhouseCoopers commissioned a survey among the major investors in CEE to discover the attitudes to and their preparedness for the enlargement of the EU. An independent research company, Opinion Window Research International, was commissioned to carry out this study. The preliminary results of the study were presented at the PwC seminar, 30th April 2003, in Prague.
4 Methodology Telephone interviews Number of interviews: 100 major corporations 112 companies were contacted in total The respondent: The relevant senior executive. Responsible for overseeing his/her company’s EU related issues The research was based on a list of companies provided by PwC Interviewing: 15 April - 6 May 2003 Note: All questions were not always answered. The number of answers are indicated for each question. For some questions, more than 1 option was possible.
5 Job function of respondents Base: All companies
6 Industry sector Base: All companies
7 How many of the 10 accession countries do the companies have a presence in? Base: All companies that answered (n=91)
8 Results
9 Will the enlargement of the EU impact your company? Base: All respondents who were contacted (n=112)
10 Preparation process: All companies Base: All companies that replied (n=88) When did your company’s planning for EU enlargement start/ when will it start? 2003 = 63% Extent of the expected impact (scale: 1= no impact, 4=high impact) Extent of the expected impact = 2.6 (scale: 1= no impact, 4=high impact) 2002 = 23%
11 Preparation process: Companies with budgets of 100,000 Euro or more for changing the company structure due to EU enlargement Base: All companies that replied (n=18) When did your company’s planning for EU enlargement start/ when will it start?
12 Preparation process (2 of 2) Implementation of planning process A local or regional approach? Local = 46%, Regional = 38%, Both local and regional = 16% Base: All companies which started/will start planning for EU enlargement and replied (n=100)
13 Planning process: For those companies with a budget of 100,000 Euro or more for changing the company structure due to EU enlargement Implementation of planning process Base: All companies which started/will start planning for EU enlargement and replied (n=19)
14 Preparation process: Will outsourcing i.e. IT support, consultants, etc be required? Base: All companies that replied (n=96)
15 Impact on company structure Will this lead to centralisation or decentralisation of top and middle management? Average impact on top/middle management: 2.8 scale: 1- no impact, 4 - high impact Base: Companies whose structure will be changed (n=16) Will preparation for the impact of EU enlargement require change or adjustment of your company structure? Base: All companies (n=100)
16 Impact on creating job functions in the following areas Scale: 1 – no impact, 4 – high impact Higher impact Lower impact Base: All companies that will be affected by EU enlargement and answered on individual elements
17 Impact on creating job functions: For those companies with a budget of 100,000 Euro or more for changing the company structure due to EU enlargement Scale: 1 – no impact, 4 – high impact Higher impact Lower impact Base: All companies with a budget over 1000,000 Euro that answered (n=19)
18 Trading relationship with EU accession countries: Services, Goods Base: Companies that will be affected by EU enlargement and replied
19 Categories of Services: Percentage of companies trading with and within accession countries Base: Companies that receive or provide services agreements (n=68)
20 Importing/Exporting companies: Probability of company restructuring in the following areas Base: Companies involved in imports and exports (n=72) Scale: 1 –low probability, 4 – high probability Higher probability Lower probability
21 ERP, Accounting and reporting tools (1 of 2) Which Enterprise Resource Planning System does your company use? Base: All companies (n=100)
22 ERP, Accounting and reporting tools (2 of 2): 25 % of companies’ with an ERP system need to radically adjust them to comply with proper processing and international audit systems Base: Companies which need to radically adjust their ERP systems (n=24) Which domains need to be adjusted? Average size of adjustment: 2.4* Average size of adjustment: 2.1* * Scale of adjustment: 1- slight adjustment, 4- substantial adjustment 46% need to adjust both accounting and reporting tools
23 ERP, Accounting and reporting tools: C ompanies with a budget of 100,000 Euro or more for changing the company structure due to EU enlargement Base: Companies which need to radically adjust their ERP systems and have a budget of over 100,00 Euro for adapting to EU enlargement (n=6) Which domains need to be adjusted? Average size of adjustment: 2.5* Average size of adjustment: 2.6* * Scale of adjustment: 1- slight adjustment, 4- substantial adjustment 83% need to adjust both accounting and reporting tools
24 Keeping informed on the issues Base: All companies (n=100)
25 Do you think that EU enlargement will increase the need to evaluate your company structure and decision-making processes? Base: All companies (n=100)
26 Average perceived need for assessment and remedial action in various areas 4 = great need 1 = no need Base: All companies that believe the EU enlargement will increase the need to evaluate the company structure and decision making processes (n=34)
27 Average perceived need for assessment and remedial action in various areas 4 = great need 1 = no need Base: All companies that believe the EU enlargement will increase the need to evaluate the company structure and decision making processes (n=34) and have a budget of over 100,00 Euro for adapting to EU enlargement (n=11)
28 Changing company structure: Costs How much do you expect changes in your company structure to cost? Base: All companies (n=100) Base: All companies which were able to answer(n=100) Do you have a budget for changing the company structure?