B UILDING D RAWINGS Location Plan Site Plan Floor Plan Symbols
B UILDING D RAWINGS To help architects, builders, construction workers, Health and Safety Workers, Fire-fighters, Archaeologists and many more people building Drawings are constructed. These drawings are all built to a BSI standard this means that consistency is achieved in all drawings and that everyone is aware of what each symbol means.
B UILDING D RAWINGS There are 3 main types or drawings: Location Plan (1:1250) Site Plan (1:250) Floor Plan (1:50)
B UILDING D RAWINGS Location Plan (1:1250) Reveals the exact location of the building and defines its surroundings. It includes information such as road/street names, other buildings. Our building can be identified with thick outline or hatched lines.
B UILDING D RAWINGS Site Plan (1:250) Reveals the exact position of the building within the site/area boundaries it is being built within. The site plan includes dimensions giving us the exact position. It includes elements such as waste water, rainwater and trees.
B UILDING D RAWINGS Floor Plan (1:50) Reveals the general arrangements and layout of the buildings interior, i.e. rooms, windows, cupboards, stairs. Does not need to be dimensioned.
B UILDING S YMBOLS Light Switch Socket Door Sink Sink Top
B UILDING S YMBOLS Insulation Brickwork Sawn Timber Concrete Window North
B UILDING S YMBOLS Bath Wash Basin Shower Tray Radiator In-Line Valve Junctions
B UILDING D RAWINGS Things to remember for the exam: The drawing types The drawing scales What the drawings include The common symbols The symbol for North...
Task Draw a Floor Plan with the following features: Reveal the scale of the plan Length 300Width 297 Brick Walls 10 Window facing NORTH Length of window 150 Light in the centre Door Opposite side from window The room must include a Toilet, Bath, Shower Tray and Wash Basin