P OSSIBLE A CTIVITIES 1. Career Cluster Quiz Career Cluster Quiz 2. Create goal sheet (post on wiki) Create on Mondays/ to me Fridays 3. Career Glog Save and send. 4. Career Word Search (hmwk) Post on wiki…students will need to print
W HY D O P EOPLE W ORK ? To meet their… Needs Wants Goals Gain a sense of identity – of who they are and how they fit in
F ACTORS A FFECTING C AREER C HOICE 1. Values and Life Styles Values: the ideals in life that are important to you. Based on experiences, perceptions and beliefs Shaped by your family, social and cultural groups, and religion. Lifestyle: the way people choose to live their lives based on the values
F ACTORS A FFECTING C AREER C HOICE 2. Aptitudes and Interests Aptitude: a natural physical or mental ability that allows you to do certain tasks well. Ex. You may have an aptitude for working with numbers. So a career that requires calculations might be a good fit. Interests: the things you like to do. If you enjoy interacting with people, you will likely prefer a job working with others.
F ACTORS A FFECTING C AREER C HOICE 3. Personality Personality: individual qualities that make you unique. Ex: Sense of humor, intelligence, creativity, etc.
C ONSIDER THIS … How many hours a day will you work? 8 How many days a week will you work? 5 How many weeks per year will you work? 50 Assume you work for about 43 years (age 22-65), how many hours will spend working? 86,000
STEPS IN CAREER PLANNING 1. Self-Analysis Determine your wants and needs. Determine your values and desired lifestyle. Assess your aptitudes and interests. Analyze your personal qualities and the kinds of job tasks that best suit your personality.
STEPS IN CAREER PLANNING 2. Research Seek information: Books, websites, counselors, employment offices. Compare your interests, aptitudes, and personal qualities to job descriptions and requirements. Talk to people in the field of work which you have an interest. Observe occupations.
STEPS IN CAREER PLANNING 3. Plan of Action Get organized. Make a plan. Follow Through. Don’t give up! Develop necessary skills. Take courses. Attend workshops. Seek a part-time or volunteer job to gain experience. Evaluate your choices over time.
STEPS IN CAREER PLANNING 4. Re-evaluation Prepare yourself to meet challenges. Be ready to take advantages of future opportunities.
IMPORTANCE OF GOALS What are your goals? Take 3 minutes to brainstorm with a partner. Goal: desired end toward which efforts are directed. Provide a sense of direction and purpose in life. 3 types of goals: Short-term : few days or weeks. Intermediate : next few months or years Long-term : five years or longer
IMPORTANCE OF GOALS Goals must be… Specific: Describe what you want to accomplish Measurable : Can be clearly evaluated Challenging: Takes energy and discipline Realistic: Capable of being reached. Goals also must have a completion date.
SOURCES OF JOB OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION Contacts: a member of your network such as a relative, friend, member of a group to which you belong Try to get to know people. Let it be known that you’re looking for a certain type of work. Meet people who will provide links. Job Shadowing: spending time with a worker in the type of job that interests you.
SOURCES OF JOB OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION Public and Private Employment Agencies Employment agencies: Help job seekers find a job for which they are qualified. Help employers locate the best applicants for job openings. Head hunter: Type of employment that seeks out highly qualified people to fill important positions for an employer.
SOURCES OF JOB OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION Newspaper, Yellow Pages, and Private Job Listings Online Job Information CoolJobs.com CareerBuilder.com HotJobs.com
J OB SEARCH TECHNIQUES Get Organized Assemble info. Needed about the type of work you want to do. List prospective companies for which you’d like to work. Gather sources of information. Make lists of personal contacts, places to go, and people to see. Prepare resume and letter of application. Ask for letters of recommendations. Update information.
J OB SEARCH TECHNIQUES Make a Plan Shows what you have done. Shows what you need to do. Shows timeframes.
J OB SEARCH TECHNIQUES Follow Up Check back from time to time. Thank you letter. Impresses future employer.
J OB SEARCH TECHNIQUES Don’t Give Up Continue to be courteous. Keep checking back. Try all job leads. Be prepared for short notice openings. Check with contacts frequently.