Claudio Parrinello CERN Global Network
MOTIVATION CERN is a Knowledge Hub Knowledge is: o Brought into CERN by people from institutes worldwide; o Generated at CERN in the framework of its activities; o Exported outside CERN through people’s mobility, training, technology transfer, procurement, etc. Key players Current and former members of CERN personnel Research Institutes/Universities (e.g. TTN Member Institutions, but also non-HEP institutions) Companies from CERN Member States.
CERN GLOBAL NETWORK A facilitator for knowledge exchange, delivering Dedicated web site Increased visibility for partnership opportunities across the Network (recruitment, technology transfer, training) Member database Professional networking for CERN “Alumni” – reconnect with former colleagues Possibility to host sub-networks, e.g. for members of an experiment Discussion fora for special interest groups (e.g. on TT) Eventually, useful data on researcher’s mobility and career evolution in Europe Interactions between individual and institutional members Link job seekers with potential employers Exchange of best practices between institutions in specific thematic areas (e.g. TT...) Organization of knowledge exchange events at CERN
QUICK FACTS Launched at the end of April, with strong support from CERN DG Close to 600 people have joined to date. We need more visibility outside CERN! Six discussion groups set up so far, on themes such as Hadron Therapy, Technologies for Energy & Environment, Scientific Communication, etc. Experimental collaborations are considering setting up their own groups (CLOUD has already done it) Introducing e-vents: live webcasts of key events at CERN with the possibility for Network Members worldwide to submit questions and comments before, during and after the presentation…
SUMMARY The Global Network aims to facilitate two-way knowledge exchange around CERN. Content in the web site will be based to a large extent on information, views, etc, submitted by Network Members. At the moment, it is a people network (current and former CERN personnel). However, soon (after the summer) we will invite institutions to join and appoint representatives for specific thematic areas. At that point, the TTN may want to consider “using” the Global Network, e.g. – Apply for a dedicated TTN space (a “Group”), yielding a discussion space, calendar, news, etc. – Submit news and proposals relevant to the broad Global Network member community For individual TTN nodes, benefits from institutional membership in the Global Network can be: – Increased visibility for activities (and technologies) at your institute, – Identification of new collaboration opportunities with other Network nodes, – Access to recruitment tools (post your vacancies), – Participation to initiatives for the exchange of best practices.