California By: Miss Nuzzo
State Flag The official state flag of California is called the Bear Flag. The flag has a grizzly bear and a red star.
State Area California is 163,707 square miles. California is the 3 rd largest state in the United States.
State Population As of 2000, California’s population is 33,871,648. This is about 34 million people. California has the greatest population of the entire United States.
State Capital The capital of California is Sacramento. Other large cities in California are Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco.
State Flower The State Flower is the California Poppy. These beautiful flowers are found in grassy, open areas throughout the Western Region.
State Bird The California Quail is California’s State Bird. The California Quail is 9-10 inches long. It has a short, black bill and it has brown and white stripes running down its body.
State Reptile The desert tortoise is California’s State Reptile. It is a timid reptile that lives in the sandy deserts of the southwest.
State Mammal California’s State Mammal is the grizzly bear. Grizzly Bears are very large brown bears.
State Tree The redwood is California’s state tree. The redwood is the tallest tree. It can grow up to 370 feet tall and live for over a thousand years.
Websites Used Enchanted Learning usa/states/california/ Microsoft Clipart us/clipart/default.aspx