Unit 7—Chapters 12 – 13 The Cold War CSS 11.8, 11.9, 11.11
Part One The Cold War in America , , EQ 1: How did fear of domestic communism affect American society during the Cold War?
The Second Red Scare House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 1949 feared foreign agents were working to subvert America helped build career of Richard M. Nixon of CA Alger Hiss (State Dept.) tried twice for espionage and imprisoned for perjury claimed he was innocent until he died in 1996
The Second Red Scare Truman created a Loyalty Review Board in 1947 loyalty oath and background check on people in anti-democratic groups that advocated violence communist groups and unions 3 million employees investigated—3,000 resigned/fired in 1950, Congress gave Truman the authority to detain “suspicious people” Truman vetoed it McCarran Internal Security Act, 1950 Smith Act, 1940 illegal to advocate, teach, or support violence in overthrowing the government this meant communism and the Supreme Court back it up
The Second Red Scare Blacklisting HUAC investigated communism in Hollywood unions “Hollywood Ten” refused to testify and were banned from working over 300 directors/actors denied employment some turned in names of potential communists Ronald Reagan, Walt Disney, Elia Kazan (1999) Charlie ChaplinHarry Belafonte Lloyd BridgesArthur Miller Zero MostelOrson Welles
Hollywood Ten Alvah Bessie Herbert J. Biberman Lester Cole Edward Dmytryk Ring Lardner, Jr. John Howard Lawson Albert Maltz Samuel Ornitz Adrian Scott Dalton Trumbo
Big Brother is watching
The Second Red Scare Joseph McCarthy Wisconsin senator held up a “list” of 250 employees of State Dept. who were communists it was a blank piece of paper claimed that Truman was doing little or nothing to stop it became one of the most powerful men in Washington set off 2nd red scare, until 1954 when McCarthy became unpopular
The Second Red Scare Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Americans feared espionage led to rapid Soviet development of A-Bomb US developed A-Bomb in 1945 Soviets get A-Bomb in 1949 US developed H-Bomb in 1952 Soviets get H-Bomb in 1953 executed Rosenbergs for espionage/treason
The Second Red Scare Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1947 conducts secret operations outside the US assassination attempts intelligence gathering (espionage)
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The Arms Race H-Bomb, 1952 the hydrogen bomb was the first thermonuclear explosion took place in the Marshall Islands 450 times Nagasaki vaporized an entire island, leaving behind a crater more than a mile wide
The Arms Race Mutual Assured Destruction (M.A.D.) deterrence was knowing that if we tried to kill them we would also die “First strike capability” meant the ability to destroy the enemy before they could strike back “Second strike capability” meant the ability to strike back before being destroyed “The Peacekeeper”
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The Arms Race Sputnik, 1957 first man-made satellite circled the globe every 96 minutes for 92 days created “missile gap” because Soviets were ahead in arms race and space race
The Arms Race National Defense Education Act US emphasizes math and science to close the “space gap” October Sky
The Arms Race National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1958 the arms race became the space race initial American failures made Americans fear we were falling behind the USSR JFK promised in 1961 to land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s
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EQ 1: How did fear of domestic communism affect American society during the Cold War?