Early Civilizations in Meso- America Ch. 11 Sec. 2
Essential Questions: TEKS WH6.A- B, WH27.B-C What are the political, social, economic & cultural characteristics of the Mayas, Incas & Aztecs? What impact did the Mayas, Incas & Aztecs have politically, culturally, socially, and economically? What contributions did each have make towards Astronomy, Math & Architectural engineering?
I. The Maya ad in C. America & S. Mexico Built temples, pyramids & complex calendar Political & Social structure City states governed by hereditary ruling class “descended from God” Always at war w/each other; captured became slaves or human sacrifice. video
I. The Maya cont’d Society: Townspeople (Artisans, officials, merchants), peasant farmers Men: fighting hunting Women: homemaking, raising children. Religion: -Mayan believed life was in the hands of a divine power. Human sacrifice was natural.
I. The Maya cont’d Writings and Calendars: Writing system based on hieroglyphics Spanish conquerors saw this as evil & destroyed almost all books. Mayan calendar was a complex system of living several worlds. Spanish destruction of Mayan culture helped end the civilization.
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II. Aztecs s ad Est. Tenochtitlan on Lake Texcoco The Legend 1325 under attack by another people and driven into a swamp they believe that the legend comes true. They est. here constructing temples, roadways, houses.
II. Aztecs cont’d semi-independent territories supported by the Aztec ruler in return for tribute. Political & Social Structures: -4 million Aztecs -Power in the monarch by God assisted by lords & gov’t officials -Society: Commoners (farmers), Indentured workers (landless labor contracted for work), Slaves (captured in war)
II. Aztecs cont’d young age were told to be warriors. young age were told to stay at home They were NOT EQUALS but women could own & inherit property and enter into contracts.
II. Aztecs cont’d Religion & Culture: -believed in many gods and the unending struggle between forces of good and evil. -The creation and destruction of 4 worlds and the birth of the 5 th -Human sacrifice was a form of appeasement.
II. Aztecs cont’d Destruction of Aztecs: European Invasion Local Alliances Disease