All About Accelerated Reader Highland Home School Library Media Center
What’s it all about? At the beginning of each school year all students grades 1 – 8 take the STAR Reading Test in the Library Media Center. The Star Reading Test gives information about students reading abilities. We use the information, in particular, the Reading Range, to help choose books with the students at Highland Home School as they visit the Library.
According to the Experts The statements below come directly from the Renaissance Learning Website. You can find these statements and much more about Accelerated Reader by clicking on the link provided below. Imagine all of your students clamoring to read books. Imagine them eagerly practicing their reading at a high level of comprehension. Imagine them proudly displaying their reading achievements and doing better in all subjects. All of this can happen with Accelerated Reader (AR) software. Accelerated Reader provides the essential practice component of your core reading curriculum. In addition to making reading practice fun and exciting for every student, AR gives you continuous feedback to personalize instruction so every student achieves maximum success.
AR in the Library? AR in the Classroom? Our library AR Computer lab is growing. We have 8 computers that are considered AR Computers. Students are welcome to use these computers at any time for Accelerated Reader. Many students are taking Accelerated Reader Tests in their classrooms. Accelerated Reader is available on any computer in our school that is connected to the Internet. Our Board of Education purchased “Renaissance Place” from Renaissance Learning so that we can access Accelerated Reader without having to depend on just our servers!!! It has made life much easier at Highland Home School!!! For More Info on Renaissance Place click HERE!!!HERE