Guelph Soccer Centennial Community Athletics Centre Excitement is Building
The Vision A Centre for Sports Excellence Accessible to everyone A Source of Civic pride An indoor, year-round sports facility High quality, well lighted, properly irrigated and protected sports fields
Short Term Plan I ndoor sports facility by January 2006 at Centennial
Centennial Park Site Plan Near other facilities Close to Services
Example: Interior View Multi-Use Facility Features 200 meter running track 200ft x 94ft Soccer Field Field Turf
Municipal Support for Indoor Facilities Barrie *City co-purchased land with sports groups, returned as capital Burlington *$1,000,000 debenture, leased land for $1.00 / year Calgaryland leased from City Edmonton3 facilities built by City, leased for 25y, then bought for $1 WellandNo taxes on 27 acre facility with 6 fields and indoor facility $1/yr 5 year revolving lease $10,000 in labour from Public Works for parking lot maintenance Richmond Hill *Facility constructed by City Cambridge *$1,000,000 in matching funds with Club for proposed facility WaterlooState-of-the-art facility built by City as part of RIM Park Office space provided at no cost to Club KitchenerClub, City and Budd Industries as partners Capital Improvements 100% by City, shared operational costs Club gets $16,000 grant through Affiliation Policy with City * City of Guelph Benchmark city
City of Guelph Contributes Nominal Lease Rate for 10 years + 2 X 5 Building Permits Costs, Development Charges and Taxes Servicing Costs Approvals for January 1 st 2006 Opening
Why Approve Expands recreational services Can easily revert back to original use Non-Profit / Private / Public Partnership Minimal expense to City Solid Business Plan – projected capacity at 3-4 years Building Community Partnerships (Track, Ultimate, School Boards, Baseball, U of G) Compliments long-term Vision
“But this is Guelph!” Yes, but let’s Make It Happen! Call your ward representative and the Mayor Tell them to Make It Happen Tell them specifically to waive the “phantom” Development and Building Charges Tell them to waive taxes Tell them to contribute Service Costs Tell them Guelph has waited too long
Guelph Soccer Centennial Community Athletics Centre Excitement is Building To provide a soccer program to enable participants to reach their potential, focusing on sportsmanship and skill development within a fun and safe environment through the effective use of resources.
Floor Plan