IT WAS APPROACING GREG’S FIFTH BIRTHDAY and the second anniversary of Greg’s mum’s death. He wasn’t looking forward to it though. He had always been closer to his mum and his birthday just reminded him about her death even more. His older sister Bethany didn’t really seem to notice that mum was gone,nether did Mike,Greg’s dad. Every night Greg would look up at the stars and wish that his mum was there to kiss him goodnight.
It was Greg’s birthday he had been in his room for an hour now and he wanted to get some fresh air so he decided to go and ask dad if he could go to the forest to be alone. His dad said yes so of he went into the forest. After a while Greg got tired so he sat down and closed his eyes. Suddenly a brown soft monkey jumped out of the tall tree and on to the short log next to him.
Greg was amazed! He had always wanted to see a monkey. Thinking Greg didn’t know what to call the monkey. “what shall I call you Greg whispered I know ill call you Amie.” Now I need to find somewhere for you to stay because if dad finds you he will properly kill you. Greg decided to keep Amie the monkey in his bedroom where nobody could find her.
Greg ran home with Amie curled up in his arms. As Greg got to the door step he got a bit nervous.What if his dad herd Amie squalling. Finally Greg knocked on the door and hid Amie in his bright blue jumper. Mike opened the door and Greg ran up the tall long set of stairs. when he got to his bedroom he put Amie under his couther. Dad opened the huge blue door and said “Why were you up here in such a hurry” “Because I herd a noise” Greg mumbled Did you have a nice time then Greg” “Yes I did it was really fun. climbing all the trees, balancing on logs. “wonderful” dad said. He walked out the room. Greg was really happy with Amie. “Well done” he whispered to Amie. It was time to go to bed for Greg. His dad came in and tucked him in and said goodnight. Luckly the Amie didn’t make any noise. When he woke up in the morning the monkey had made a mess all over the floor. Dad walked in.
“What’s happened to you room “Mike shouted. “Um noting dad”. Suddenly Amie made a noise and jumped out of the couthers. “That’s what you have been hiding then Greg your grounded for a month ” He stomped downstairs angrely. Sophie and dad didn’t know what to do with the monkey.Finally they came to a diction they were going to kill the monkey when Greg was asleep so that night they killed Amie. When Greg woke up he asked dad where Amie was he said he let her free into the forest.