TIBCO Rendezvous A Rendezvous message is a sequence of fields containing self-describing data, it includes data and descriptive information about the data, including type,name, size.
Communication Models Publish/Subscribe Event driven Broadcast or Multicast Unidirectional Communication
Communication Models Request/Reply Demand driven Point-to-point unicast Communication is bi-directional.
Broadcast Request/Reply Communication Models Broadcast Request/Reply Event and Demand driven Broadcast or multicast and unicast Unidirectional and Bi-directional
Communication Models Point-to-point Event driven Communication is uni-directional.
Transport Protocols TRDP-TIB Reliable Data Protocol Reliable Transport protocol for ordered, duplicate free data delivery with in a single subnet. PGM-Pragmatic General Multicasting Reliable multicast transport protocol for ordered duplicate free data delivery over a group of interconnected subnets.
RV Services RV Provides four qualities of service that extends standard RV functionality. Certified Messaging for guaranteed message delivery. Fault Tolerance Distributed Queues. Virtual Circuits.
Certified Messaging(RVCM) Fulfils the need guaranteeing the delivery of each message at its intended destination. Handshake between publishers and subscribers done by an unique name from Subscribers.
Certified Messaging(RVCM) Run-time procedure for RVCM. (Registering Certified Delivery Agreement) CM Listener receives a CM Message which contains Name of the certified sender CM sequence number CM Listener records the sender name and subject name in its ledger file. CM Listener sends a request for to the CM sender. CM Sender receives the request for registration and it will decide accept or reject….. Accept it will record in its ledger file and messages coming from that listener will be accepted and recorded. Rejectit will inform the listener and no delivery agreement will be done. 5. The certified sender explicitly informs the certified listener of the acceptance, hence completes the Certified Delivery Agreement.
Certified Messaging(RVCM) An RVCM message contains three additional fields that are added to the message. These are: CM Sequence # . CM Time Limit . CM Transport name of the publisher .
Fault Tolerance(RVFT) RVFT is for fail-safe… RVFT coordinates a set of concurrent processes with in a group of FT members A FT group is a set of application processes that cooperate for FT services
Distributed Queue DQ is a service that enables work to be spread among more than one application, helping optimize performance and support processing stability. As many applications can participate in this DQ Adds Load Balancing for FT.
Virtual Circuit Transports A virtual Circuit Transport is a light weight error-free transport between two applications. The Virtual Circuit Transport object appearing in each application is called a Terminal.
Virtual Circuit Transports Virtual Circuits guarantee these properties All inbound messages come only from the opposite terminal. Senders outside virtual circuit cannot insert data into its message stream All outbound messages go only to the opposite terminal. Listeners outside of a VC cannot receive its message stream. Terminals receive explicit feedback if the connection is interrupted, and they will take care of recovery.