Kazakhstan By Tristan butt and Tyler Clayton
The Land Kazakhstan has many different land types including -Flat lands -steppes -Taigas -rock canyons -Hills -Deltas -Mountains -Snow capped mountains -Deserts Kazakhstan has the 4 th largest desert in the world it is called the Kara Kum desert
The land-continued 80% of the land consists of low land plains and plateaus Kazakhstan is about 1million sq miles (The size of 2 Alaska's ) Agricultural land occupies more than 327,000 sq mi Kazakhstan is the 9 th largest country in the world and the largest land-locked country in the world The Kazakh steppe with an area of 310,600 sq miles occupies one 3 rd of the country and is the largest dry steppe in the world
Climate and vegetation! Kazakhstan has a continental climate with warm summers and cold winters Perception differs thought the country ranging from arid and semi arid conditions There are five types of vegetation zones in Kazakhstan they include –Forest –Steppe –Semi-desert –Desert –Mountain area
Climate/vegetation (wildlife) Camels Various big cats Bears Wolfs Various butterflies and other insects Mice and other rodents
Government Kazakhstan has a presidential republic meaning that the president is the head of state as well as the commander in chief There cabinet consists of 3 deputy prime ministers and 16 ministers Kazakhstan has a bicameral Parliament made up of the upper and lower houses (senate) and (majilis) Population was estimated 15,217,711 in January 2006 The president is Nursultan Nazarhavev And Karmin Masimov is the prime minister Average life expectancy is 62 for men and 72 for women
Economy Kazakhstan has several types of industry including –Wheat –Cotton –Beets Major exports are Tobacco, caviar, oil and petroleum, metals, chemicals, machinery, grain, wool, Kazakhstan’s literacy rate is 99.5% Currency is the Tenge –$1 U.S. dollar is equal to 128 tenges
Culture Traditional Clothing: Varies from region to region –Men- Chapans (embroidered gown w/ velvet belt), skull cap, felt cap, or fox-fur hat –Women- cotton/silk dress, velvet waistcoat, cap or silk scarf Food: –Kazy-horse sausage –Zhauburek-kabob –Mypalau-sheep brain –Ulpershek-heart Languages: 64% Kazakh and 36% Russian Religion: 47% Muslim, 44% Russian Orthodox, 2% Protestant, 7% Other
Places to visit Almaty (capital city),agtobe, astana, karaganda, pavlodar, semey, taraz The southern region of kazakhstan has many historical sites including burial mounds, sites of ancient settlements, fortresses, mausoleums and ancient towns
Works Cited /kazakhstan.htmlhttp://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_ /kazakhstan.html culture.shtmlwww.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_ culture.shtml