Introduction to Research on Catholic Christian Cultural Artifacts
General IRELAND LIBRARY (South / St. Paul Seminary campus) URL for Research Helps in Theology = nts/irl/theologyguides/default.htm nts/irl/theologyguides/default.htm URL for Research Helps in Catholic Studies = es/default.html es/default.html
ATLA Religion Database With ATLAS SerialsATLA Religion Database With ATLAS Serials Catholic Periodical & Literature Index This online index begins in The print version (IRL Reference) began back in 1930.Catholic Periodical & Literature Index
Biblical Research Resources Print: –General Introductions: Anchor Bible Dictionary. IRL & OSF Ref BS 440.A54 6 vols. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. IRL Ref BS B HarperCollins Bible Commentary. IRL Ref BS H
–New Testament Introductions. Raymond E. Brown. An Introduction to the New Testament. IRL BS B Porter, Stanley E., and Lee M. McDonald. New Testament Introduction. IRL BS P
Periodical Literature: –New Testament Abstracts –Novum Testamentum
Electronic: –Mark Goodacre, New Testament Gateway = –The Anchor Bible Dictionary on CD-ROM. IRL Workstations. –New Testament Abstracts available through EZProxy through IRL Library
Patristic Research Materials Print: –General Introductions: Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. 2nd ed. IRL Ref BR E The Early Church: An Annotated Bibliography IRL Ref BR R –Individual Authors: Quasten, Johannes. Patrology. 4 vols. IRL Ref BR 67.Q3.
Periodical Literature: –The Second Century –Studia Patristica –Bibliographia Patristica : Internationale Patristische Bibliographie. Walter De Gruyter, 1956-present. The major annual index to books and articles about the Fathers as well as related historical or theological topics. For material on the writings of particular Fathers, look in the section enti-tled "Auctores" (Authors). –Bibliographical Information Base in Patristics.. [ –Almost 30,000 bibliographic citations
Electronic Resources: –The North American Patristics Society Internet Resources Webpage = in.htm in.htm –IRL Guide to researching the Church Fathers = ments/irl/theologyguides/fathers.html ments/irl/theologyguides/fathers.html
Medieval Research Materials Print: –Dictionary of the Middle Ages. 13 vols. IRL Ref D 114.D5 1982
Electronic Resources: –The Net Serf = –The Labyrinth = –International Medieval BibliographyInternational Medieval Bibliography
Visual Art Research Resources The Grove Dictionary of Art Print [Journals]: –Art History –Journal of Aesthetics and Art History –Storia dell’arte
Music Research Resources The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (20 vols. in print; electronic version available through IRL) RILM Abstracts Of Music Literature Music Index Online JSTOR