Phishing Dennis Schmidt, CISSP Director, Office of Information Systems HIPAA Security Officer UNC School of Medicine UNC School of Medicine
Phishing Phishing is fraud where the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. Phishing is fraud where the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. Messages appear to come from well known and trustworthy Web sites such as: Messages appear to come from well known and trustworthy Web sites such as: PayPal PayPal eBay eBay Amazon Amazon Major banks Major banks
Note the difference between the URL Label and the Actual URL
Fake Web Site
Real Web Site
Notice the Difference
Dots, not slashes Fake Site
Bad password still brings you to this page
Real Site Slashes
Bad password gives you this error! That’s good!
Protect Yourself from Phishing Be suspicious of any unsolicited . Be suspicious of any unsolicited . Never provide sensitive information to their query. Never provide sensitive information to their query. Check it out from second source (Telephone, etc.) Check it out from second source (Telephone, etc.) Don’t use the phone number provided in the . Don’t use the phone number provided in the . Misspellings, bad grammar, etc., should be clues. Misspellings, bad grammar, etc., should be clues. Look out for link names that don’t match actual link addresses. Look out for link names that don’t match actual link addresses. Remember: Your bank will not ask you to verify that your account information is still accurate. Remember: Your bank will not ask you to verify that your account information is still accurate. If it does, you need to find a new bank! If it does, you need to find a new bank!