Multiple Regression
Simple Regression in detail Y i = β o + β 1 x i + ε i Where Y => Dependent variable X => Independent variable β o => Model parameter –Mean value of dependent variable (Y) when the independent variable (X) is zero
Simple Regression in detail Β1 => Model parameter - Slope that measures change in mean value of dependent variable associated with a one- unit increase in the independent variable ε i => - Error term that describes the effects on Y i of all factors other than value of X i
Assumptions of the Regression Model Error term is normally distributed (normality assumption) Mean of error term is zero (E{ ε i } = 0) Variance of error term is a constant and is independent of the values of X (constant variance assumption) Error terms are independent of each other (independent assumption) Values of the independent variable X is fixed –No error in X values.
Estimating the Model Parameters Calculate point estimate b o and b 1 of unknown parameter β o and β 1 Obtain random sample and use this information from sample to estimate βo and β 1 Obtain a line of best "fit" for sample data points - least squares line = b o + b 1 X i Where is the predicted value of Y
Values of Least Squares Estimates b o and b 1 b 1 = n x i y i - ( x i )( y i ) n x i 2 - ( x i ) 2 b o = y - b i x Where y = y i ;x = x i n n b o and b 1 vary from sample to sample. Variation is given by their Standard Errors S bo and S b1
Example 1 To see relationship between Advertising and Store Traffic Store Traffic is the dependent variable and Advertising is the independent variable We find using the formulae that b o = and b 1 =1.54 Are b o and b 1 significant? What is Store Traffic when Advertising is 600?
Example 2 Consider the following data Using formulae we find that b 0 = and b 1 = 1.05 Sales (X)Advertising(Y)
Example 2 Therefore the regression model would be Ŷ = X i r 2 = (0.74) 2 = 0.54 (Variance in sales (Y) explained by ad (X)) Assume that the S bo (Standard error of b 0 ) = 0.51 and S b1 = 0.26 at = 0.5, df = 4, Is b o significant? Is b 1 significant?
Idea behind Estimation: Residuals Difference between the actual and predicted values are called Residuals Estimate of the error in the population e i = y i - y i = y i - (b o + b 1 x i ) Quantities in hats are predicted quantities b o and b 1 minimize the residual or error sums of squares (SSE) SSE = e i 2 = ( (y i - y i ) 2 = Σ [y i -(b o + b 1 x i )] 2
Testing the Significance of the Independent Variables Null Hypothesis There is no linear relationship between the independent & dependent variables Alternative Hypothesis There is a linear relationship between the independent & dependent variables
Testing the Significance of the Independent Variables Test Statistic t = b 1 - β 1 s b1 Degrees of Freedom v = n - 2 Testing for a Type II Error H 0 : β 1 = 0 H 1 : β 1 0 Decision Rule Reject H 0 : β 1 = 0 if α > p value
Significance Test for Store Traffic Example Null hypothesis, H o : β 1 =0 Alternative hypothesis, H A : β 1 0 The test statistic is t = = =7.33 With as 0.5 and with Degree of Freedom v = n-2 =18, the value of t from the table is 2.10 Since, we reject the null hypothesis of no linear relationship. Therefore Advertising affects Store Traffic
Predicting the Dependent Variable How well does the model y i = b o + b i x i predict? Error of prediction without indep var is y i - y i Error of prediction with indep var is y i - y i Thus, by using indep var the error in prediction reduces by (y i – y i )-(y i - y i )= (y i – y i ) It can be shown that (y i - y) 2 = ( y i - y) 2 + (y i - y i ) 2
Predicting the Dependent Variable Total variation (SST)= Explained variation (SSM) + Unexplained variation (SSE) A measure of the model’s ability to predict is the Coefficient of Determination (r 2 ) r 2 = = For our example, r 2 =0.74, i.e, 74% of variation in Y is accounted for by X r 2 is the square of the correlation between X and Y
Multiple Regression Used when more than one indep variable affects dependent variable General model Where Y: Dependent variable : Independent variables : Coefficients of the n indep variables : A constant (Intercept)
Issues in Multiple Regression Which variables to include Is relationship between dep variables and each of the indep variables linear? Is dep variable normally distributed for all values of the indep variables? Are each of the indep variables normally distributed (without regard to dep var) Are there interaction variables? Are indep variables themselves highly correlated?
Example 3 Cataloger believes that age (AGE) and income (INCOME) can predict amount spent in last 6 months (DOLLSPENT) The regression equation is DOLLSPENT = INCOME AGE What happens when income(age) increases? Are the coefficients significant?
Example 4 Which customers are most likely to buy? Cataloger believes that ratio of total orders to total pieces mailed is good measure of purchase likelihood Call this ratio RESP Indep variables are - TOTDOLL: total purchase dollars - AVGORDR: average dollar order - LASTBUY: # of months since last purchase
Example 4 Analysis of Variance table - How is total sum of squares split up? - How do you get the various Deg of Freedom? - How do you get/interpret R-square? - How do you interpret the F statistic? - What is the Adjusted R-square?
Example 4 Parameter estimates table - What are the t-values corresp to the estimates? - What are the p-values corresp to the estimates? - Which variables are the most important? - What are standardized estimates? - What to do with non-significant variables?