Managing Agile, Waterfall and Hybrid projects within the Portfolio Jon Lewis - Director, Ninth Wave
Agenda Introducing agile management techniques alongside traditional waterfall based planning is becoming increasingly important for many of our customers. In this session, we’ll describe and explain some of the issues in managing a mix of waterfall projects, fully Agile projects and projects following a hybrid agile/ waterfall approach, all within the same project portfolio. We’ll share Ninth Wave’s ideas and experience in this area and show some of the tools and techniques that we use to support project portfolio management with these different project approaches.
Project Types Waterfall: Agile development: Plan Build Review Test Plan Build Review Test Deploy Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Hybrid Project Types Iterative Waterfall: Continuous Agile development: Plan Build Review Test Deploy Plan Build Review Test Deploy Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Waterfall: Requirements are known and fixed at the outset Changes can be expensive or impossible Different skills and resources are needed at different times Delays in one area have a knock on effect Testing is towards the end of the project The end date and cost are not ‘fixed’ Benefits typically not realised until the end Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Agile Development: Requirements don’t all have to be fixed at the outset Developments are time-boxed Focus is on delivering sets of independent features Changes can be incorporated at a later stage Resources used more efficiently Slippage is much more obvious Delays in one area not as critical The end date can be fixed.. deployment of what has been signed off at a given time. Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Iterative Waterfall: A larger project broken down into phases Only some requirements fixed at the outset Changes can be incorporated in a later phase Resource use not efficient within the project Delays in one area affect deployment of current and later phases The end dates can slip and costs can rise Benefits can be realised from delivery of phase 1 Plan Build Review Test Deploy Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Continuous Agile Development: Requirements don’t have to be fixed at the outset Changes can be incorporated at any later stage Resources used efficiently Nothing is done until it is needed Delays in one area not critical Multiple small deployments at fixed dates Benefits can be realised very quickly (self funding?) But this could result in training and change management issues. Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Tools and techniques available: Waterfall: Estimation tools Project planning and tracking Financial management and time recording Resource management Deliverable management and governance Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Project Planning/ Gantt:
Project Financials:
Documents and Governance:
Tools and techniques available: Agile: Planning poker Sprint and burndown chart Scrum/ Kanban board Build/ release management Plan Build Review Test Deploy
Sprint and Burndown Chart:
Scrum/ Kanban Board:
Cards based work allocation:
In-task time recording:
Build/ Release Management:
Managing different project types in the portfolio: As we’ve just seen, Agile, Waterfall and Hybrid projects will all need to be managed in slightly different ways in terms of: Project definition and scoping Planning and resourcing Financial management Governance Tracking and reporting Plan Build Review Test Deploy Plan Build Review Test Deploy Plan Build Review Test Deploy
The Iron Triangle: Quality Time Cost Scope Good project management requires delivery within the triple constraints of time, cost and scope and to the desired quality: Good project portfolio management requires delivery across the portfolio within overall triple constraints of time, cost and scope, whilst achieving the level of quality required. Quality Time Cost Scope
The Iron Triangle (II): Agile projects are typically driven to meeting specific delivery dates with given resources and delivering as much as possible within those constraints. The Iron Triangle (II): Waterfall projects are typically driven to achieving a fixed scope and measured on delivery vs. plan and cost vs. budget: Quality Quality TRACK Time CONTROL Cost FIXED Time FIXED Cost FIXED Scope VARIABLE Scope
Measuring performance across the portfolio: Report a range of RAGs or statuses - for Delivery, Costs, Benefits and Risks and Issues to highlight problem areas regardless of the type of project:
Ninth Wave and SmartCore Ninth Wave is an independent UK-based software and services firm established in 1995 Our main software product is SmartCore, a proven web-based management support tool The product has been developed from practical experience of project and programme management SmartCore is unique - it is entirely configurable via the web browser to meet a wide range of organisational and individual information needs.
SmartCore - Major Functional Components Strategic Alignment Portfolio Management Governance/ Change Management Budgets & Financial Management Programme & Project Management Resource Management Risk & Issue Management Workflow & Business Rules Timesheets Benefits Management Document Management Dashboards & Reporting
SmartCore Customers:
Timebox 1 Complete End of Presentation
Project Portfolio Management SmartCore 0207 403 4433 Project Portfolio Management from Ninth Wave