Tay Sachs Disease Sumati Sridhar Deepthi Rao
About Tay Sachs Causes damage in the nerve cells in brain and spinal chord. Rare Genetic defect HEXA
Cause Mutation on Chromosome 15/HEXA gene Beta-hexosaminidase Disrupts breakdown of GM2 ganglioside
Inheritance Received genetically Both parents are carriers: 25% chance of getting disease; 50% chance becoming carrier.
Signs/Symptoms Infants: slowing of development Loss of motor skills Vision/hearing loss Cherry Red-Spot
Who It Affects Rare Jews French-Canadian communities (Quebec) Amish Canjun community
Treatments No cure Controls symptoms only Medications Anticonvulsant Gene therapy
Considerations Against: Risk future children Miscarriage Deformity in fetus
Considerations For: Early Detection Check for bodily fluids Prevent further complications